I hate california

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Heathers POV

I was traumatized after hearing the story Courtney told me. I can't believe I was almost raped! I'm so stupid, I knew he was trying to do that and I still got drunk. What would I do without Courtney? We went to the beach, all I did was lay down and try to relax. But every time I closed my eyes I would see that man. "Heather?" Dakota broke me from my thoughts. I looked at her "you seem stressed, would you like some cucumbers over your eyes?" She asked. "S-sure.." I stuttered. She noticed that, knowing it was very unusual. "Okay.." she said suspiciously. For another hour I "relaxed". "Comon dudes and dudettes! We're going to New York!" Courtney screamed in excitement. "We're already gonna be there for collage, mine as well get to know the place." Bridgette said calmly. "Sweet." I said with no emotion. I was just happy to leave this place, I'm never coming back here again. As we got our bags and got in the car Geoff said. "This is also our last visit, I have to go back home because my parents need there RV." Geoff sad sadly, as we all said "aww.". Well, everyone except me. I just looked out of the window.


Courtney's POV

I couldn't believe it, someone broke heather. That motherfucker. I thought thinking of that old man, the thought made me clench my hands. We stopped to get gas, heather got out the car and sat in a big rock. I sat next to her. "Heather, are you okay?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder, she immediately burst into tears. "I.." she sobbed "I hate California. ". I gave her a a tight hug as she continued to cry. "Yo dudettes! We gotta go!" Geoff yelled, I gave him a thumbs up and comforted Heather a little bit longer before holding her hand and walking her to the car and getting in. Geoff was tired of driving so Bridgette was driving, fun fact: Bridgettes a very careful driver. She looked in the rear view mirror. We were all listening to songs, while heather stayed quiet. My duty was to make this girl happy, no matter what. Bridgette looked in the mirror again, but this time I mouthed 'put on Feel special' she was confused, but put on the song. No one but me knew that Heather loved K pop, especially twice. As soon as the song turned on heather lit up and looked away from the window and at me, I smile as she smiled back.

세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도
아프고 아픈 말들이 날 찔러도
네가 있어 난 다시 웃어!"

Everyone looked at heather, not knowing she actually knew Chinese, as well as liking KPOP.

"Again I feel special
아무것도 아닌 존재 같다가도
사라져도 모를 사람 같다가도
날 부르는 네 목소리에
I feel loved, I feel so special
자꾸 숨고만 싶어서
마주 하기가 싫어서
모든 게 의미를 잃은 듯이
내가 의미를 잃은 듯이 가만히 주저앉아 있을 때
그때 내 앞에 나타난 너의
따뜻한 미소와 손길에 (hey)
Everything's alright
초라한 nobody에서 다시 somebody
특별한 나로 변해
You make me feel special
세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도 (앉혀도)
아프고 아픈 말들이 날 찔러도
네가 있어 난 다시 웃어
That's what you do
Again I feel special
아무것도 아닌 존재 같다가도 (같다가도)
사라져도 모를 사람 같다가도
날 부르는 네 목소리에
I feel loved, I feel so special
Uh, you make everything alright
구름이 쫙 낀 햇살 한 줌 없는 날
네가 바로 나의 shining light
That's what you do
아무리 어두운 밤도 다시 낮
I owe it to you
Because you make me feel special
세상이 아무리 날 주저앉혀도 (앉혀도)
아프고 아픈 말들이 날 찔러도
네가 있어 난 다시 웃어
That's what you do
Again I feel special
아무것도 아닌 존재 같다가도 (같다가도)
사라져도 모를 사람 같다가도
날 부르는 네 목소리에"

Once the song was finally over, heather was completely out of breath as everyone else looked at her. "What?" "You know Chinese?" The Asian glared at Bridgette. She flipped her off, she rolled her eyes still look at the road. "I'm glad your, yourself again mi amor." Alejandro whispered as she smiled. "Yea, also I'm totally suing that guy." Heather smirked looking at me. returning the smirk, I pulled out my phone. "I'm it, I'm getting my lawyers. I will be accompanying you with this." I said. The ride was getting boring so I went on Instagram.

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