Road trip

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Heathers POV

Me, Courtney, And Bridgette were at Dunkin Donuts waiting for the rest to arrive. "Brb, I'm gonna go get me an iced coffee extra sugar extra caramel and some hickory smocked bacon. Want anything, on me?" I asked "sure, get me a cappuccino and please ask for EXTRA CREAMERS. I swear to fucking god they never add any." Bridgette said annoying, I laughed. "Uh, just get me a coffee with extra creamers, and sugar, please." Courtney asked "Courtney why the fuck did you say please, I literally said it was on me. Your to classy" I said rolling my eyes. I ordered our stuff including a glazed donut for Alejandro and went back to our seat. A few minutes later Dakota came in, but before sitting with us, she ordered some kind of ice coffee. Then sat down. "Hey guys!" Dakota yelled with her usual cheery voice. "Hey Kota, everyone should be here soon an-" mostly everyone came, we just needed Sierra, who was probably still packing her Cody pictures, wait. She's not obsessed anymore. "What the fucks Sierra doing!?" I said a little too loud "I don't know." Cody said sitting down pulling Noah to sit next to him. "So Cody-" "DONT EVEN FINISH THAT." Cody yelled cutting me off. I bursted into laughter, everyone else was just confused. "Did you tho?" I said wiping tears of laughter off my face. He mumbled something. "Yes.." he said quietly looking down "YES CODYYY!" I said cheering him on "uhm..okay." Courtney said confused. Everyone sat down. "Why so earlyyy. I think I'm about to dieee." Duncan groaned "Duncan, stop being dramatic" Courtney said rubbing her temples with annoyance. Finally, Sierra came in. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I overslept." Sierra said sitting down. We had our usual 20 minute talk. After we all finished drinking or eating Geoff yelled "ALRIGHT DUDES! LETS GET PARTYING!" One of the workers gave us a glare "oh shut the hell up." The lady gasped "heather! That was an old woman!" Courtney whispered "okay, I hope at bitch dies." "HEATHER." Everyone yelled at me. I just crossed me arms.


Soon later we got in geoffs RV, it's was big.

Soon later we got in geoffs RV, it's was big

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"Geoff, there's no way this is yours." I said looking around "yea bud, there would be 1000s of beer cans on the floor." Duncan said siting in one of the chairs "yup, this is my Padres." Geoff announced. "But how is this gonna fit 12 teenagers?" Courtney asked. "Chill mocha, I got it all covered." Geoff said turning on the RV about to drive. "Our first stop isss. FRANCE!" Geoff yelled "OMG! IMAGINE ALL THE CUTE CLOTHES IM GONNA GET!" "SAME EEEE!" Me and Dakota started squealing louder then Sadie and Katie. "France is soooo romantic!" Sierra said happily. "Too bad I have no one to share it with.." she then said sadly glancing at Cody. Ugh, I can't stand watching Sierra look sad! "Sierra, at France I swear to god I'll find you a nice guy." I said grabbing both of her hands, she smiled excitedly "THANKS HEATHER!" She yelled giving me a big hug. "Heather earns a heart. Sierra add them at to your 'Twitter update'." Duncan said laughing hysterically. I flipped him off before going to sit down with Alejandro. "Are you excited mi amor?" Alejandro said already being annoying. "Ugh, why am I dating you." I face palmed "because you love me." He responded with confidence "shut up." I yelled, making him laugh. Ever since we started dating I haven't been intimidating. "BE INTIMIDATED!" I yelled trying to sound mean. All he did was laugh "fuck me." I groaned. "Gladly." I turned at him and blushed "not like that!" I yelled flustered. "Ugh, why did I even bother sitting next to you." I rolled my eyes and walked away.


Time skip: 2am

No ones POV

Heather and Alejandro were snuggling fast asleep on a couch that could turn into a bed

Duncan was on the couch sleeping with Courtney on top of him sleeping as well

Cody and Noah were in the bunk beds

Sierra was sleep on the floor with a pillow and blanket

Dawn and Scott were sleeping in a chair

Geoff and Bridgette were still awake. Bridgette was giving Geoff company while he was driving.


Courtney's POV

I felt a tap on my shoulder and woke up. I yawned before asking "are we there yet?" "Almost, where an hour away. So hurry up and get ready." Duncan whispered not trying to wake up Noah and Cody, who were still fast asleep. I got up and as I was walking to the bathroom Dawn was walking out and said Nicky "Goodmorning Courtney, I already put toothpaste on your brush." "Thanks." I replied. After I brushed my teeth and took a shower, heather walked in a started brushing her teeth as I was already do my makeup. After we were all ready we just sat down and browsed on our phones. "Okay dudes! We're 15 minutes away from our beach house." We all cheered. I was still tired and just put my head on Duncan's shoulder and dozed off for a little while...

"OKAY PEEPS! UNBUCKLE YOUR SEATBEALTS AND SAY HELLO TO WHERE WELL HE STAY FOR 2 DAYS!" Geoff yelled waking up anyone who ever closed there eyes.

"OKAY PEEPS! UNBUCKLE YOUR SEATBEALTS AND SAY HELLO TO WHERE WELL HE STAY FOR 2 DAYS!" Geoff yelled waking up anyone who ever closed there eyes

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"Let me guess, your parents." I said walked passed Geoff to open the door. "Yuppers." He said. Once we got in it was gigantic. "So, everyone's gonna have there own room. Unless they wanna share." Geoff explained. After he gave us a tour we all just sat down in the huge living room. It was quite silent for Bit till Bridgette broke it say "beach, anyone?" Some of us nodded.


Heathers POV

I was playing volleyball with Courtney while the boys were talking about god knows what


Alejandros POV

Me and Duncan were talking about how sexy they were. "Man, look at her fat Courtney's as it." He said pointing "but look at how beautiful heather is all together" I closed my eyes thinking about her. "Dude, Courtney's way hotter." "Uhm." I giggled "heathers why hotter." I said not trying to show my anger. "Bro, open your eyes!" "No, open your eyes!" We started fighting for the rest of the time of who was hotter.


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