The next morning

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In the morning at 7:15 Alicia woke up with a bad feeling in her belly but what could it be? Suddenly she felt nausheous and had to run to the bathroom to empty her stomach then in a few seconds Bea was at her side rubbing her back. Alicia hated being ill but her caring effectionate wife made it better. "It's ok, Alicia, sweetheart, just let it all out" she incouraged her wife to do. Then when Alicia stopped puking she said "Leesh what happened why did you throw up?" and Alicia sighed then said "Bea i don't know i just felt really sick when I woke up this morning I don't know why" she said feeling washed out and tired. "maybe you should take a pregnancy test Alicia" constructed Bea. Alicia nodded and agreed with her wife and felt a bit excited this could be the day when they get a new family member.


Meanwhile at Ethan's house he was waiting for a reply to his message from Cal. It was getting very stressful for him and he didn't know what to do. What if Cal really was ignoring him for a reason? He looked at the clock 8am meaning he had to get ready for work now or he would be late for his shift so he got ready for his shower.


Alicia was looking forward to work when she could easily get a pregnancy stick from the pharmacy and find out the truth about the future of their family. She went to see Bea who was not on shift soon and was on nightshifts so should not be awake then. "Bea go to bed you need sleep" she said with a concerned face. "No alicia did i not tell you i swapped shifts I have one in and hour so I will see you at work" she confirmed. "Oh so Bea i can tell you the test result when I do the pregnancy test then" Bea grinned excitedly with joy at that news.


Meanwhile Ethan was ready for his shift and got into the car to leave for work. He got a message alert suddenly which said "hello nibbles i have a big surprise for you you will not expect but you have to wait and see" Ethan sighed with great relief and started the engine in his car, Cal was not ignoring him. Apart from relief he wondered what Cal's surprise could be. 

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