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Mukuro could never get that image out of her mind

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Mukuro could never get that image out of her mind.

The putrid smell of blood, the blood covering [Y/N]'s body and her face.

Mukuro didn't know how to feel at that moment. One minute, she was on the battlefield with [Y/N] and the next [Y/N] was on the floor covered in her own blood, using all her power to keep her body awake. Mukuro wasn't able to process it because she was being dragged to somewhere else, leaving [Y/N] all by herself.

Mukuro has seen a lot of terrific and disturbing things, yet this one, [Y/N]'s body, was the one that stuck with her and was embedded into her mind. Mukuro tried everything to forget about and yet she wasn't able to.

"Why...?" Mukuro kept asking herself after the fight. She stared at her own reflection multiple thoughts flooding her mind. Words can't describe how conflicted her state of mind was.

That's when it clicked.

The reason why was because Mukuro had grown fond of the Sharpshooter without even realizing it.

Her name is [Y/N] and ended up leaving without saying a proper goodbye.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

LINGERING ― MUKURO IKUSABA ✓Where stories live. Discover now