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"kaidon, lleva a tu hermano."

the seventeen year old glanced up from his plate of food before picking up his baby brother who gurgled happily as he grasped onto his older brother's black shirt. kaidon glanced down at him with a small smile, watching as the baby squirmed in his arms before his phone began to ring once again.

"what's with that?" cristina questioned as she put down her glass of wine before nodding to kaidon's phone. "it's been ringing all night, hijo. your number get leaked or somthing?"
"no." kaidon mumbled. "it's just this boy from school."
"a boy?" his mother questioned, her eyes lightening up with a delighted curiosity before she clapped her hands together with excitement. "you mean shiloh? better answer them calls carino."
"... i can't."
"and why not? you don't want my boy advice?"

"definitely not." the boy rejected with a genuine smile that made his mother chuckle. "we like two different types of boys for sure.."
"and what's your type?"
"shiloh." kaidon said before he heard the sounds of footsteps approaching the dinner table in which his working father was absent from, leaving only his baby brother and mother to dinner that night. the teenager glanced over at raquel who bowed momentaorly before she cleared her throat.
"maestro kaidon, hay alguien esperandote." the maid told the seventeen year old who raised a slight brow, wondering just exactly who it was outside; it wasn't as if he had any friends, so he supposed it was most likely his father.

"thank you." the boy said quietly before he rose from the table, setting down his baby brother before he made his way to the front door rather leisurely. the teenager yawned, rubbing his eyes before opening the door. as soon as he spotted the person, his eyes widened but before he even had a chance to get a word out, the boy smacked him hard.

"the he-"

his statement was cut off when his ear was grabbed, yanked brutally before he was dragged quickly down the stairs of his front door.

"damn, let me go." kaidon shouted as shiloh wielded a tight grip on his ear, dragging him out into the evening night. the younger finally let go, but not before he attempted his best to shove the giant who just let him win, stumbling back a bit with a grunt. "what the hell?"
"you're a bigger asshole than i thought."
"well yea, anybody could've told you tha-"

"it was all a lie." the sixteen year old screamed, giving the boy a chance to actually take a look down at the boy, quickly noticing something was not right; from the huge hoodie he had on, to his tearstained face, to the pajama bottoms he wore; conditions that a boy who cared way too much about how he looked would not show up in unless it was dire. kaidon couldn't help but to shake off his sarcastic demeanor, instead replacing it with his true concern as once again, shiloh took a swing at him. "you're no better than him, you fucking liar- ugh-"
"what? what are you even talking abou-"

"i'm talking about how you're a damn trust fund baby who used to live in fucking mexico and slit a boy's throat in eighth grade, you piece of shit!" the sixteen year old screamed, the words bringing a wave of silence over the older who all of a sudden, had absolutely no expression in his features at all; only a cold shell of a poker face that stared down at the boy who was so upset that his hands were shaking. "i just thought you were some weirdo, come to find out you're a fucking ex-celebrity? all that shit we sat and talked abut for hours. when you told me that i knew everything about you? it's all bullshit."

kaidon stared over at shiloh, blinking down at the boy as he tried to search his mind for words to tell him; it was never his intention to hide anything from him, but the fact that the whole entire school didn't even know who he was kept kaidon from telling shiloh as well. he knew that it would change his perception of him and it had, achieving exactly what kaidon didn't want.

he guessed that he would just forget the part about him murdering one of his classmates.

it was not as if he didn't have a reason for it.

"shi, it's not like i wasn't gonna tell you t-"
"excuse me? excuse me? you were gonna tell me? when? when were you gonna tell me that you've killed two people, probably even more? why are you acting like this is normal? why aren't you fucking doing anything?" shiloh questioned, his small fists meeting kaidon's chest as the ehxuasted boy exerted so much emotion; so much pain and hurt that kaidon could see it in his pretty face. "you're- you're a horrible p-person and you killed my first love, even if he was a bullshit abuser! why- why would you do that? why'd you lie?"

shiloh was too scared to scream when the older suddenly grabbed him- not tight enough to hurt him, but his grip was so secure that shiloh couldn't possibly get out when he held him close to his chest, not letting him go matter his screams or violent thrashes.

"because i love you." kaidon said, silencing the crying boy with his numbness- his quietness even during a time like this. "i love you and you're mine, not his. he treated you like shit ad he deserved ten times worse than i gave him, and if i could i would snap his neck again w-"
"you're a monster." the sixteen year old said, tears streaming down his face as the words broke through the numb boy, who's face downcast with an emotion more complex then that of sadness; one of disappointment, maybe. "what the hell did you think? that having plain disregard for human life would make me love you back? you're so, so sick. i don't love you. i can't."

kaidon supposed that he was thankful for the silence of the night. it was loud enough to mask the sound of his heart breaking- or perhaps any tolerance he had left snapping.

"...that's fine, mi esposo," kaidon told him carefully, pulling the shaking boy closer because through his own hurt- his own pride, he could not see shiloh's fear, and could not see how he was scaring the boy he cared about the most- only his own anger. "just know i'm not letting you go. i won't, because you're mine and if i can't have you, nobody can."
"you're smart, shi. you heard me." the seventeen year old said before he let go of the boy abruptly. "whatever you want, you can have, so if you want me to be a monster i will be. anybody who tries to touch what's mine will end up just like ryan."

"i wish i never met you."

and with that, the boy turned and ran into the night.

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