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tw for this whole chapter tbh : graphic violence

"mom, shut the hell up! god," ryan groaned, smoothing out the creases in his sore face caused by his furrowing brows. "it's not even that fucking serious."

the concerned woman's complaints continued to rightly criticize the football player, who groaned as his fists began to shake in anger.

"i said shut up." he roared, slapping the blonde woman across the face viciously who immediately collapsed to the ground in pain, the younger ignoring her screams of pain and frustration as he got up from their living room sofa. "god, you're annoying. i'm leaving."
"w-wait," his mother stuttered, grabbing the injured man's ankle who's whole entire face was a swollen, bruised purplish burgandy in result from his fight yesterday- one that had left his right arm in a cast. "please, ryan. just calm down and we can t-talk."

her son scoffed, shaking off her weak grip before waking right out of the semi-nice house located in a suburb, one deemed for people that weren't exactly middle class or upper yet wasn't flashy at all, but that didn't stop the arrogant teen from flexing money that was not his, instead his mother's who had aged roughly from the transformation of her only boy to a spoiled brat to an even bigger one.

ryan got into the car, slamming the door shut as his eyes scanned over the evening sky that was quickly fading into night momentarily before taking off, beginning to dial a number that had for sure blocked him, but that wouldn't stop him.

"listen shiloh," the man hissed, recording his message as soon as the voicemail- which he had expected- played to him through his car speaker. "pick up the fucking phone or so help me god, i'll come to your house and do even worse that what i was going to do at the school. i know you got that fucking emo to beat the shit out of me, i'm gonna fucking sue the ass off of you bitch. i'm sorry, okay? i'll treat you nice this time if you pick up the phone."

the frustrated male hung up the phone with a growl, groaning with anger as he steered into the shitty gas station parking lot, recklessly parking before abruptly getting out of the car.

too bad he was so focused on the anger that came from his embarrassing amount of pride that he couldn't even notice the car in the distance trailing him.

the football player trudged out of the store, a 6 pack of beer in his hand, one already sloshing down his throat as he downed the alcohol messily, cursing all the way to his car. ryan slammed the door, putting the cans down and getting into the drivers seat before the items he held in his hands immediately dropped.

the seventeen year old gagged, his dark orbs nearly popping out of his head as he tried to unsuccessfully grab the tight cord-like rope around his throat.

"hey." a quiet figure in the backseat greeted him, ryan beginning to panic as he could no longer breathe, frantically grabbing at the rope as the man came dangerously close to him. "start driving or i'm gonna cut your fucking dick off."

ryan's chest nearly caved in as the rope was loosened from around his neck, still lightly wrapped around his neck but not to a point of strangulation, giving a chance for ryan to breathe when he picked up the sound of the painfully monotone yet deep voice.

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