Chapter Three - Trouble in Paradise

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[For the love of writing please ignore the spelling errors, I wrote this late at night and haven't checked it over.]

It had been weeks, if not months since Edric and Hunter first met.
[Eclipse Lake just took place.]

Hunter climbed back in through the window. He had gone out for the past few hours to hang out with Edric. He put his mask and cloak back on and was going to go check on Emperor Belos, when one of the guards saw him passing.
"Golden Guard, Emperor Belos has been waiting for you. He wants to see you." The guard said before walking off.
Hunters heart dropped into his stomach. He must have went into his room or called him, only to see he wasn't there. He nodded and as he walked he mumbled every bad word he could think off. He didn't even know any real bad words, only the crummy internet-mom ones.
He knocked on the door to the throne room.
"Proceed." Emperor Belos said.
Hunter did as he was told and entered the throne room and bowed before the Emperor.

"Hunter. Where were you?"
"O-Oh, I was...I was out...uhm...Looking for palismen!"
"Yes well. You know you're supposed to tell me when you leave. It's a rule you've known all your life. Why wouldn't you follow it today?" He asked.
"I-I uhm...I forgot..?" He said.
"Would it have something to do with these letters you've been exchanging with one of the Blight children?" Emperor Belos questioned as he tossed the letters onto the ground in front of Hunter. He must have found them in his room while he was gone. He had kept every single letter that Edric had sent him.
"What? You read those!? Way to invade my privacy." He said, forgetting who he was talking to.
"Hunter you don't have the time for friendship, for poems, for whatever odd teenager activity you and the Blight have been engaging in." Emperor Belos said. It sounded like he was just looking for an excuse to make Hunters life insufferable.
"You know I don't like you leaving for so long because I want you to be safe." He said.
"Yes but I'm willing to trade a little bit of my safety for-" Hunter was cut off in the middle of his sentence.
"For what? Hunter? You know there's a reason why I only let you leave on missions." Emperor Belos said.
"I know it has something to do with wild magic but..." Hunters voice trailed off.
"Clearly this 'Edric' isn't a good influence."
"Since when do you care..." Hunter mumbled, not loud enough for Emperor Belos to hear.

"I'll cut to the point. I forbid you from sending any further letters, and for now you can't leave the castle unless on specific missions and a scout is with you. A lock will also be placed on your window since for some bizarre reason you found it suitable to go in and out through it." Emperor Belos explained.
"Wh-" Hunter was cut off once again,
"And, Kikimora will be replacing you as Coven head." He added.
"What- you can't just do that! You're not my dad!" He yelled, referring to the window locks, and not being allowed to leave.
"But I am the one who took you in, took care of you, fed you, and everything, am I not?" Emperor Belos responded.

Hunter struggled to form a sentence and instead just audibly threw words together to try and protest, but eventually just left with an "Ugh!" And stormed off.

"Ugh...teenagers..." Emperor Belos said to Kikimora, who was awkwardly standing in the corner.
"Heh, am I right?" She said.


"Oh Mittens, I've met the perfect guy." Edric said as stared off into space.
"Yuh-Huh, good for you." Amity said as she texted away on her scroll. They were both sitting at the kitchen table. It was around early evening.
"He's really kind and honest, charming and charismatic, he has a good heart..." he began to describe his potential love interest. Amity nodded her head like she was listening and began to take a sip of her soda.

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