Chapter 6

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*We're back in that area in metal gear as the last episode ended*

Papyrus: -T?!

Frisk: You have a dad?!

Deadpool: Skeletons literally bo-

SMG4: Could you not be yourself FOR 5 MINUTES!?

Shadow: *puts duct tape on Deadpool's actual mouth* Fuckin' DISGUSTING!

Papyrus: Sans, what's going on?!

Sans: *sighs* Alright bro, I think it's time I tell you the truth-

Chara: *bluntly* You have a dad

Papyrus: F- for how long?! Why wasn't I ever told?! And where are we

Sans: well- to answer all that. We should head back to the beginning

*flashback starts

Deadpool: *in his mind* In the Land Before Time

Sans: "Once upon a time back on the surface, there lived one of the greatest scientists in existence, DR Wingding Gaster, he was praised for being a revolutionary scientist combining magic and technology, he could give flowers and echo, and was even working on something that could make soul power bring a user back to life, the project however caused him to think about life, and how lonely it could be, so he decided to mix dominant and recessive magic together, and out came his favorite discovery, a skeleton he called- Well- Sans- Unfortunately as that skeleton was getting older, war broke out, a war that forced monsters underground, and as this was happening, a younger skeleton was on his way, however Gaster became very busy, trying to not only find a way out, but also trying to make this mountain sustainable for our living, At this point I was old enough to help, but there's only so much a guy can do while trying to take care of his bro, one fateful night, The CORE, a device that circulates magic and technology through the underground, started to fail, Gaster and I tried to stabilize it, but then something happened, the floor we were on, above the CORE, got an explosion burst through it- I only received minimal damage, mainly in the left eye, but gaster- I tried to save him but- I couldn't- and no matter what I did, how many times I tried to find him- tried to save him- I couldn't-"

Sad Papyrus noises

Silver: S- so- how does the void tie into this

Sans: Right- well- "As I continued to try and figure out what happened to him I noticed strange anomalies, no one seemed to remember gaster, just me- I remember him saying the core used so much magical energy it had to draw power through space and time, maybe that's why only I seemed to remember, I was the only one close enough. That's when whenever I could, in the basement, I would try to connect myself through other universes, maybe I could find him, maybe he wasn't gone- night after night I tried, I still couldn't save him, eventually- I had to give up-"

Frisk: That explains what you meant by 'I gave up a long time ago' right?

Sans; Heh..yeah..

Annie: And you basically hide behind this... persona of sorts.

Deadpool: *in mind* Don't make a Persona joke must resist making a Persona joke

Sans: Hey- it's not all bad- I still had paps with me atleast

Frisk: *guilt intensifies*

Edward: Well is there any way of entering this... void pretty much?

Sans: If there was, I would've been there awhile ago

Chara: ...I've seen him-

Sans: What?

Chara: Back when I was kinda dead- it's like a space between life and death where basically nothing exists

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