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Chris and Lorelai watch as Logan moves to the front and stands at the piano beside Rory.

"Is he gonna..." Lorelai gasped from where she was standing near the bar. She had made sure to situate herself exactly where she could see what was happening at the party but not be too conspicuous.

Chris grabs Lorelai's elbow to prevent any sudden movement. "Yes but don't worry, our girl is smart, she has a plan." Lorelai looks puzzledly between Chris, Rory and Logan, just as she opens her mouth to ask Chris what he means Logan begins to talk.

"If I could, I'd also like to say a few words about my girlfriend of the past three years. You amaze me, Rory Gilmore, every day - everything that you do, everything that you are." Logan smiles nervously at Rory taking her hand.

Rory stands there nervously giggling thinking, really this is how he thinks I would want this to happen.

"This past year, I realized that I don't know a lot more than I thought I knew, if that makes sense. I'm a little bit nervous. I didn't think I would be. What I'm trying to say is that... I don't know a lot. But I know that I love you... and I want to be with you... forever."

Rory can physically see the ladies of the DAR swooning over him, and Emily looks like she is five seconds away from squealing for joy like a sorority sister.

"Rory Gilmore... ...will you marry me?"

Rory thinking, you didn't even get on one knee, seriously? Oh yeah I haven't said anything yet- "Um... um, wow. Um, wow. I - wow."

"Is there a "yes" in between those "wows"?" Logan says with a smirk.

"Um, I'm just... I'm so...surprised. I-I just - um, would - um... w-will you come talk to me outside?" How did I ever think that cocky smirk was attractive, right now I just want to wipe it off his face, Rory thinks while walking outside not waiting to see if he follows her.

"Sorry. I-I didn't want to talk in front of everybody." Rory looks at him apprehensively, she knows this conversation could go anyway.

"No. I completely understand."

"I'm just a little shocked by it all, Logan."

"I'm sorry I know you said you were over big gestures, but that's what wedding proposals are. And night with your parents here and your grandparents, I just thought..." Logan says earnestly while reaching for her hands.

"No, it's not the size of the gesture. It's the gesture itself," says Rory exasperated. "We have never discussed marriage Logan, I don't even know where this is coming from?"

Logan reaches up to cup Rory's cheek, "Ace, Rory, I love you and I want to be with you, and only you forever. Now that I know that I want forever to start right away."

Rory sighs, looking frantically anywhere but into Logan's eyes, "Logan, I graduate tomorrow. I need to think about this, I can't make a life changing decision that has never been brought up before instantly, you know I'm not built like that. I need time."

"Okay," Logan sighs, this is not going how he had hoped. "How about I head home, I'll stay at Colin's place tonight, you take the time to think and I will see you at the ceremony tomorrow?"

"Thank you Logan, I really appreciate it."

Logan leans in and gives Rory a tight hug and he attempts a passionate kiss, she pushes him away gently. "Logan, the whole DAR are watching through the windows, later ok? I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Meanwhile indoors

Emily mutters to the pianist "Play something - now!"

The pianist starts playing some mid-tempo music and the crowd starts to disperse into smaller groups. Emily watches Rory and Logan go outside, Richard and Lorelai are looking worried.

Emily marches over to Lorelai "What do you know about this? What does she have to think about?"

"Lorelai has nothing to do with this Emily, did you not see her face, she wasn't expecting this. You know how Rory likes to plan, she would never have an answer quickly like that," Chris said, gently putting his arm around his ex-wife protectively.

"Yes Mom, I had no idea about this, I've barely spoke to Rory the past two weeks, with finals and preparing to graduate she hasn't been around"

"Well Lorelai, if she comes to you for advice, which she inevitably will, you better not talk her out of this," Emily says vehemently.

"Mom, I know you want to call the club and book the Rose room for a spring wedding but please, let Rory make this decision with no pressure. We have no idea what they are even saying out there, look at them- you can barely tell they are having a life changing discussion" Lorelai states firmly, as they all watch Logan give Rory a hug and a kiss before walking off. "Okay, look busy everyone, let's try and at least give the impression we haven't been staring."

"Okay, I gave you the drive home in silence, what was that all about? Was that the something shocking you alluded to this morning? Cause shocking is kind of under playing it kid. And if so, how did you know that was coming?" Lorelai starts as they walk in the front door of their house.

"Mom, give me five minutes to change into sweats and then we can analyze the night, but I'm going to need pizza and chinese." Rory says resignedly.

Five minutes later, Rory clad in her Yale sweats and her hair up in a messy bun, sits beside her Mom on the couch and tries to muster up the courage to begin a conversation she knows will not go well.

"That little Shit, I'll kill him. Who does he think he is?!" Lorelai seethed, she had to get up and start to pace to stop her from punching something.

"Mom, sit back down before you do yourself an injury and miss the ceremony tomorrow. No need to get worked up, it's not like I have any intention of saying yes to him. I'm stalling him to prevent him from making a scene and ruining my graduation." Rory smiled weakly at her mom with that statement.

"You know if he did that he would have to deal with the full wrath of Adolf and Eva, which would be interesting to see. That's not to mention what your father and Luke would do to him, heck even his own parents for ruining his reputation over a Gilmore. Actually maybe it would be worth letting him make a scene, because I for one would enjoy watching any of those groups rain down some hellfire on Huntzburger Jnr-"

"Breathe Mom! I need to get some sleep, if I'm not at Yale by 8am Paris will kill me and she is still terrifying even when I will be leaving her."

"Give me a hug kiddo then off to bed with you, the graduate can't have bags under her eyes. Oh My God, I'll have a college graduate for a daughter from tomorrow, I need sleep so I don't look as ancient as I feel with that sentence."

And on that note silence and darkness spread through the crap shack as both ladies tried to silence their thoughts enough to sleep

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