They know now -Chapter Two

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A/N- Like I said, I am updating today!! I hope you enjoy :) ;)     (: (;

This Chapter is dedicated to @Jemstone8529 for making my day ❤️


Lottie's POV:

After playing songs on repeat for like 5h, I still can't sleep. Welp. Anyways, it's like 6.00 am, I gotta get to my laps. My foot STILL hurts, but I gotta deal with it. It's my punishment. I take off my duvet- what I see shocks me. There are little specks of blood all over my leg. I have little bed bug type things clinging onto my leg. Meanwhile, my foot is swollen. I didn't expect a cut could cause THIS. I was not ready for it. I squealed so loud that DAME BOLTER sprinted all the way to my dorm. I had Anastasia, Saskia, Binah, Mickey & Lola run into my room. They all looked exhausted. ALL BECAUSE of ME. 

I was rushed onto a stretcher, catching all the unnecessary attention in the world. I kept telling them that I'm ok, and it was just itching, but I wouldn't blame them for not believing me . I was kept at the infirmary until they called the AMBULANCE. WHYYY? This was so un-needed.

When I was in the Hospital, I switched on the TV & guess what I saw-  "The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" . WOW. A- I am now only recognised as The Maravish Princess's former Portman  & B- They HAVE to show how I looked. ALSO, EVERY ONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD SEES IT! Jamie, Ellie, Ani, Saskia, BINAH, LOLA & MICKEY, they will see this. I really gotta choose a different spot. I'm still doing this. Its what I deserve.

Ellie's POV:

I HATE this. I am being FITTED for a deep purple frizzy box- they call it a DRESS. The max of a dress that I will EVER wear is this (on the banner on the top. I just got a random pic from google lol).  I asked Siemen to turn on the TV. What I saw made me collapse- "The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" She looked like she just took a bullet. ELLIE! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE HER?! SHE NEEDS PROTECTION! No no no.  Nothing is going right...

Jamie's POV:

I finished my training & decided to get some muesli mix and check out the weather. I flick on the Samsung smart TV - no, No NO NO  ."The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" NOOOO! She may not make it out alive- those are tarantula spider babies on her foot. I was too late.

I flick off the TV and make my way down to Haru.....

Lottie's POV:
OUCH! That hurt! Their plucking off the tarantula- WAIT! TARANTULAS???? OWWWW. That hurts so much.

Time skip

I'm out... FINALLY. I have to walk with crutches... training- Whyyyyyy.

Binah's POV:

Before the time skip

I switched on the tv as an act to try to cheer up the mood. That was a fail. The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" NOOOO! She may not make it out alive- those are tarantula spider babies on her foot...

I told Anastasia and Saskia the news -they were freaking out so bad. I wish I could tell them that it would be okay but I didn't know. I decided to call Jamie- he didn't pick up I think he may have seen it because it's a  worldwide news network. I just wish that there will be some way to clarify this and that this isn't a terrible catastrophe. I wonder what actually happened -did Lottie... I knew it, she was harming herself. I was suspecting that but I didn't expect it to take to the hospital. She must've had a bug infection in her furniture or something like that that. I just wish it didn't happen. We were having- I can't say we were having a good time now that Ellie and Jamie were gone it was terrible. But even with only having Lottie around would light up my world. I just can't imagine what it would've been like if she was gone too. Butnow she is and it's breaking me apart.

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