The Plan-Part One- Chapter three

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A/N- I hope you enjoy! Remember, suggestions are always welcome. Thank you ZarahRose13 for giving me some feedback , I have made sure to use it :)

This Chapter is dedicated to @HNYDP111 for always being there for me.❤️❤️❤️

Jamie's POV:

I am so worried. It's been six hours since the incident  with Lottie. Even though Binah  told me that she was physically fine she mentioned nothing about being mentally fine, and she emphasised the physically. I hope she is okay.I wonder where she is and how she is dealing with the trauma. I mean surely without me... WOW Jamie, she's perfectly fine without you. You're not like her little angel she's really really strong she can do this on her own. Wow when did I get so selfish?

"Jamie....JAMIE! This is the second time in 1 MINUTE that you have been off in your own worl-"

"Julius, let the child live!" seriously, thank you father... "is it Lottie, Jamie?"

"Y- y- yes father." I look down, feeling ashamed of getting distracted. "Jamie it's alright you can think. Wow the Wolfsons surely did not care about you." 

"Wow, dad no need for your rambling about how the  Wolfsons mistreated you as well" 

" Anyways, son pretend this is just a vacation I know all the other partisans  have to work and stuff but you've had a really tough life. I know the others have but you suffered this since you were born"

"Well, dad, I need to talk to you about the rescue Lottie mission. This has to go ahead tomorrow-this must happen"

" Julius and Ingrid take the other partisans to the hidden lawn"

"Yes master anything for your pride in us"

" Father? May Haru stay?"

"Sure, son"

He looked a bit sceptical but I ignored that.  I told them the plan and they noted in agreement and confusion and worry. I wonder why they were worried. 

After the conversation I went to my apartment. It was a small private jet ride. We are in Canada right now I'm just going to Toronto. Yes, father got me in my own apartment, I am so privileged but I only kept that so then me and Lottie would have private privacy when she came. Ingrid and Julius and Haru have to share the apartment too because Claude thinks their just too loud. I don't know how Haru is loud but I think Claude talked about something about him playing loud music...but anyways I was so excited to have Lottie  back. We were gonna have Ingrid and Julius come with me and Haru but then I realised that Ingrid would probably just harm Lottie and Julius would probably just ramble about how this isn't fair. I'm sure Lottie  Julius and Ingrid will have a good relationship, right?  Because if they don't then I'm in a bit of trouble. Anyways I headed out to the lawn in my apartment yes I took the whole apartment and a five star lawn. 

I looked ahead there were mountains with trees covering them I could hear the distant howl of a wolf. It reminded me of how Lottie  needed saving from the Wolfsons. I then looked at the sun- it was starting to set, and I was facing west, so that was great! Anyways, I get to see the sunrise and sunset- all the views are amazing since I'm sitting on top of a hill. On one side, which is the east, there's a waterfall, on the north there's a perfect way for Rock climbing, and well south theres the a river . It's amazing I love this place! I still haven't gotten something for Claude, even though he's done so much for me. To be honest, I just don't know what to get him. Anyways, I continue to stare at the sky. An eagle passes. I wonder what it's like to be able to see something from a completely different angle. It would be so interesting, being able to just soar through the sky or just being an apex predator not having too much to worry about, always knowing where food was and who is escaping who is living and what's going on. I just miss those times before I knew how important my partisan role was, before my whole life was just dedicated to one person. I was not going to let that freedom be taken away from Lottie. Adorable Charlotte Edith Pitkin.

I start to sketch the mountains leading up to the moon. The river, causing a glazier in winters. I used materials like stuff for grass, that tingly sensation of it. I used some string which I did some sand onto rough flowing river I know it wasn't perfect because abstract is not supposed to be perfect, but I knew it was amazing in its  own way. Either way, talking about Charlotte now- yes I'm starting to call her Charlotte now. It's just so much more sophisticated, more hard. Sure, Charlotte Edith Pitkin  would be a good one for a partisan but I wouldn't say Lottie Pumpkin is. Everyone would think that Lottie is too soft for a partisan, if she were to become one. Either way Lottie is a short for Charlotte, so imma tell my mind to end this ridiculous debate.Life was just so perfect before Leviathan... No offence dad...


Time skip


Lottie's POV:

Mmmmhhhh. Soo good! This truffle...

So basically after Binah picked me up after my surgery, I mean weeks after, I was almost fully recovered, I still have to take some medications every day, for just the last remaining bits of the poison to get out. I still haven't chosen the new spot. This time, I will eprobably do it on my thigh, deep & long...I'll definitely put a slight light Band-Aid but not enough to comfort me. I know that  Binah  told  me not to do it ,that I should just talk to her but then that will just cause her more worry. I will do it less, because I do not want the same thing to happen but it is just a permanent habit now...



I apologise for such a terrible chapter. I am really sorry about that. I promise I will make it up to you guys with another chapter it was just that I've had a really stressful day with the Internet and all and getting so many deadlines completed and there is also homeschooling. I also have to update my other story... I already did that but I haven't like really been in the mood for to many more Internet issues because they are annoying.

I am really sorry about that, but have a nice life & stay safe. Also, if you are eligible for the COVID vaccination, please get vaccinated... it's free safety!

Always remember, you guys always make my day better ❤️❤️❤️

I cant wait to update!❤️❤️❤️

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