100 views special- The Plan- part 2

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A/N- Thank you so much for 100 views! I love you guys sooo much! Enjoy!!

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend for making me feel special.

Haru's POV:

I stared at Jamie-kun with a confused expression. Why was he doing so much for some normal girl?...  As if he could read my mind, he said 

"Because she's not normal, she's gorgeous, she's my true love"

. I know that it was pretty obvious that Jamie-kun liked Lottie, but either way, it  tore me apart. I did my best to hide it, but the only reason I went on the mission to Rosewood Hall was that I could get close to Jamie-kun, so I could spend time with him before Claude got to him. 

I stared at the cork board with absolute awe & confusion .

"Jamie-kun, what's the plan? This board is confusing me..."

"Don't worry. It is similar to the one I told you and Claude. I just tweaked  it  a little. Let me do a little run through....." I started zoning out around that bit. I was admiring Jamie-kun's confidence & the joy that spread across his face when he saw Lottie. That person should be me though, I should be the one giving him joy.

"Don't worry, you will understand when we get there..."

"Huh? Oh right, yeah"

Jamie looked at me, confused and worried.

Jamie's POV:

"Don't worry. It is similar to the one I told you and Claude. I just tweaked it a little. Let me do a little run through. So here are the entries to Rosewood Hall, we will enter through that one" I said, tracing the lines of string connecting each & every pin with a laser.

 Vampy jumped up & tore a picture of Lottie in the snow with her best friend- Ollie, trying to get to the laser.

"Vampy! No! OK, I KNOW THAT YOU LIKE LASERS, BUT YOU GOTTA STOP! Anyways Haru, did you get that?"


I was getting worried he was tuning out. 


I told him the rest of the plan...

"If you don't get it, don't worry, you'll understand when we get there..."

"Huh? Oh right, yeah"

I stared at him in disbelief. Surely he was listening...

I got up & started getting prepared for the plan of action, after all, it was tonight. I get my black clothes on,  tell the limousine driver to get ready & told Haru to get ready with the supplies.

Lottie POV:

I couldn't sleep. I thought about Jamie... I had always secretly liked him. Now that I was a former portman, I could actually think about things. I snuggled up & tried to sleep,  but the more I think about my life right now & what it was back then, the more I cry.

I decided to go to the tree that Jamie & I discovered... It is another large oak tree, about 120 paces away from the largest one. This one has a cute little tree house on the top. I sit on the cushion, fiddling with Jamie's ring on my finger. I feel something warm & wet on my cheek. Am I crying...? No... I checked my other cheek... nothing. I wonder if it is raining... but surely there isn't a leak- I checked for them just last week. I look up. . .



Im sorry... I left on a cliff hanger and this chapter is so short ( 633 words). It's not the specialist special I guess. I also haven't updated for a while bc I have school & a life. PS now its holidays, I can update a bit more often for two weeks!

I luv ya all, stay safe & have a nice life :)

I can't wait to update!



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