The Ghost of a Past Lover.

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The shapeshifter sat in a river, watching the clouds run across the sky. It was a sunny day, rays of the sun warming up the water.

The shapeshifter was a women named Sally, and currently she was taking the form of a siren. The colour pallet was one if a salmons.

She was just swimming in the water, having decided to take a day for herself. She eventually swam up to the shore, laying her hands in the grass and feeling the strands against her webbed fingers.

She saw a nearby patch of flowers. They weren't too far from shore, so she was able to identify that they were red poppies and alliums.

She suddenly heard a noise, it sounded like a sheep baa-ing. She turned towards where the noise came from.

She saw a blue sheep run up to her. It started pushing its small nose up against her face, it was endearing.

"Blue's an odd colour of a sheep." Sally thought. Nonetheless, she still ran her hands through the wool of the friendly sheep.

"Ah, Friend! There you are, I was worried." A voice came from where the sheep came from. She turned to look towards the now approaching figure. They stopped right in front of her.

The figure was transparent, they had a tint of gray to their skin. They had a pair of vibrant blue eyes, and looked to have blue tear tracks along the downside of their face.

They had blue on their hands and shirt, the shirt seemed to be stained with it in the middle if the persons chest. They had a yellow sweater on.

The person had brown, fluffy hair, and they seemed to be able to float. They kind of looked like...

Sally gasped, swimming up to the person. The person looked at them, then crouched down, sitting on their knees. They smiled.

"Hello, were you taking care of Friend for me?" The transparent figure asked, sheep coming to sit in their lap.

Sally looked at them for a moment, contemplating.

"Yes, Friend is very friendly." She finally said, bringing her hands out of the water.

The person started rambling, talking about how they found the sheep, and how the sheeps wool helps make them happier.

In the middle if their rambling, Sally interrupts them.

"Do you remember me?" She asked, plucking strands if grass from the ground. The person stopped talking, looking at her with widened eyes. Well, what she supposed was widened.

"Oh, I don't think I do.. Would you mind telling me who you are?" The figure responded, running their hands through the sheeps wool.

Sally sighs, "My names Sally, we used to be lovers." She answered, resting her arms on the grass in front of her.

"Oh.." The person sadly responded. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you.."

Sally smiles sadly, looking back up at them. "It's alright, I don't think it's your fault."

The figure smiles back, then gasps.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself! I'm Ghostbur, and you've already met Friend." The ghost claps their hands.

The two start talking again, just sitting in the river, or in the ghosts case the grass, talking about whatever comes to mind.

Sally would be lying if she said she wasn't sad, after all she found out her old lover was dead, but at least she can talk to a figment of them.

As Ghostbur got up to leave, they turned. "Do you think I could come back here again, chatting to you is just lovely."

Sally smiled and nodded, agreeing that the ghost could come back anytime. With that, they parted ways.

Needless to say, this wasn't the last of their meetups. They happened quite often if Sally was being honest.

Though, one day, the ghost didn't visit. Sally was a little worried, but she knew the ghost had a poor memory, so she hoped they would come maybe the next day.

The ghost never visited the next day, or the day after that. They haven't visited for a month.

Sally didn't know what happened to their ghostly companion, and she never would.

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