X. Silver Spoon

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I don't know how I feel about the tuxedo I'm wearing. After fixing the bow tie in bathroom's mirror, I examine my frame and come to the conclusion that I look like a fraud. It wasn't like I was dirt poor before, but I certainly wasn't in any position to own a tux like this.

I wish my mom could see me in it. She'd say I look like a handsome young man and probably fix my hair. My dad would say "Atta boy," and maybe joke about me getting laid tonight. I chuckle at the thought because I just know that's exactly how my parents would respond if they were here. My stomach ties into knots and a lump forms in my throat, now emotional I won't ever get to hear them hype me up again.

Clearing my throat and taking a deep breath, I reach for my favorite cologne and spritz it on my neck then all around me. I straighten my bow tie one more time before heading downstairs.

Jack was already at the banquet, making sure everything was in order and ready for guests. While Laura and Kayla are still getting ready, Julian was waiting with a bored expression, downstairs for us.

Disregarding his sour face, Julian looks unbelievably attractive in his tux. All black tuxedo, but instead of a tie around his neck, he wears his dress shirt with the top two buttons loose. His chest exposed just enough to make you want more.

Please, God, make me straight tomorrow, this is torture.

"What?" I hear his deep voice ask.

My eyes fling up to Julian's, "Huh?" How embarrassing, I hope I wasn't drooling over him. "Nothing, but," I took a step closer to him and pointed at his chest, "you have a tear in your jacket," I lie smoothly. His eyes widen as he looks down, and I swipe his nose, "gotcha," I laugh.

"You asshole," but he cracks that small smile of his.

"Awe you boys look so handsome," Laura gushes as she walks down the stairs in a long, formal navy blue dress. She wears her blonde her in curls with part of it pinned back with a sparkly barrette. Her dangly, diamond earrings are equally as stunning as her matching necklace.

"You look amazing, Laura," I compliment with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Matty," she smiles in appreciation.

Julian kisses his mom on the cheek,  "You look beautiful, Ma',"

"Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for not giving me a hard time about going."

"Yeah, yeah," he brushes off. "But I'm driving myself," he tells her as he reaches for his keys.

"What?" Laura questions. "You are going, right?"

"Yes," Julian rolls his eyes, but he has his back turned from her as he opens the front door. "I'll be there, I just gotta pick something up," and he doesn't give his mother the final say before he shuts the door behind him.

"Um hello?"

I spin around at the sound of Kayla's voice. She's wearing a broad smile as she shows off her dress from the top of the stairs before strutting down.

Laura gasps, "Oh my baby girl! You look so beautiful." Kayla wore her hair down with looser curls than her mom. Her choice of jewelry being a simple, diamond necklace with diamond stud earrings. Simple, but elegant.

"You really do," I admit. The red dress was made for her.

"Thank you," Kayla blushes, folding her hair behind her ear.


About a hundred people- give or take- are dressed in gowns or tuxedos and gathered in the banquet hall. Chatting, laughing, drinking. The banquet hall is huge and screams rich people only! Big, sparkling chandeliers hanging from the tall ceiling. Tables dressed with cloths and fancy centerpieces. Servers walking around with silver platters topped with delicate finger foods.

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