VII. Not My Business

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"You gonna go to the football game tomorrow night?" Kayla asks me at the dinner table Thursday night. Julian isn't home, so it's just us four.

I set my glass of water down and swallow the sip I took. "Oh, uh-"

"To support me?" She adds before I get to respond.

I'd rather stay home, but for her sake I say, "of course I'll go," and Kayla beams at me.

"Laura and I will be there," Jack begins from across the table, "We're in charge of selling spirit wear before the game starts, so you can just hop in the car with us."

"Maybe you can help us set up the booth?" Laura inquires with a hopeful expression.

"Yeah, sure," I agree, not like I have anything better to do. Maybe Finley and Willow will show up, though I can't really see Willow enjoying it. Finley, on the other hand, will enjoy watching the hot football players sweat, I'm sure.

I wonder if Julian will go for his sister. Probably not.

My thoughts run short when the front door handle jiggles loudly, interrupting all of us eating. The handle ferociously moves up and down, the person on the other side of the door either doesn't have a key and I'm about to witness a home invasion, or it's Julian not understanding how to work his key into the key hole.

Nonetheless, Jack stands up tall, ready in fight mode (as 'fight mode' as this golden retriever dad can get) until the door swings open and Julian comes stumbling inside. "Fuck," Julian mutters to himself. He's sloppy as he swings the door shut and kicks off his shoes. Julian's grey hoodie is stained, and I can smell the pot off of him from where I'm sitting.

I hear Kayla snort next to me and comment's, "wow," but I have my focus on her brother.

"Julian," Laura calls his name sharply as he kicks the door shut. "Are you drunk?"

"No fucking shit, Ma'," his words are slurred. Oh God, Julian, what are you doing?

For the first time since I met him, Jack's voice is deep and firm, "Don't you ever speak to your mother like that."

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" Julian accuses. I want to cover my face at this monstrosity, but I can't look away.

"Julian," Laura's appalled while Kayla doesn't show any ounce of surprise and I'm just wondering what the hell happened? Earlier today, Julian picked me up from school and dropped me off, seemingly in a good mood.

"I'm your mother's husband, that's who," Jack's not backing down. "And anyone who wants to disrespect her in my home, can get the hell out. Now you're lucky you're a part of this family, so I'm not going to do that, but you need to apologize and sober up."

Oh damn. My eyebrows raise at Jack's rigid tone. Go Jack.

However, Julian scoffs at Jack's words, shaking his head then looks over at Laura. "Sorry mom. Sorry your husband is a boring piece of shit," Julian's slurred voice goes up in volume with each insult, "home-wrecking, rich asshole-"

Laura is stands up, "That's enough!" I don't know if I should continue eating the lasagna and act like they aren't arguing right next to me, or stab my eyes out with my fork from the secondhand embarrassment I'm getting. "Apologize to Jack right now!"

Apologize? Haven't they learned? He's not going to apologize, even I know that. Which is why I stand up and step in front of Julian to stop him before he can say anything worse.

"Just go to your room," I urge him, putting a stopping hand on his chest. Why do I think I have any influence over Julian? I don't know, but I have the sudden urge to save him from his drunk self right now.

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