VIII. Friday Night Football

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"Not that bad, right?" Jack asks with a hand on my shoulder. It's Friday night and as discussed, I rode with Laura and Jack to the game and helped them set up a merchandise booth. It was slow going at first, but the closer it got to the game, more and more people were coming up. I've sold t-shirts with Gibbs High School mascot on them, sweatpants, hoodies, and even a blanket. All in school colors. Some of the people I knew from school, others were mostly mothers or grandparents.

Laura's talking to another mom who's running a raffle ticket booth, so it's just Jack and I for now. "Wish it wasn't so cold though," is my response.

I really didn't mind helping out with the booth, but the brisk October air makes it less fun. It's about forty degrees outside with wind blowing in my face every five minutes, painting my nose and cheeks pink. Luckily, the beanie on my head and the gloves Laura gave me, are keeping my ears and hands warm enough.

"Tell you what, I don't know where this school gets their hot coco, but that concession stand over there," Jack points over to a small shed-sized building with a large window open with students taking orders from the growing line outside of it. "That's some damn good hot coco. Here." I look away from the concession stand and back at Laura's husband. He's pulling a twenty from his wallet. "Wanna get yourself and I a hot coco before the line gets longer?"

"Sure, thanks," I take the money.

As I walk away, Jack adds, "Oh! And one for Laura!" Does this man think I have three hands?

Nonetheless, I stand in line, bouncing lightly on my toes as I wait in the cold.

My phone goes off, so I pull it out from my pocket and notice a text from Julian. I try to open our messages but the cotton fabric covering my thumb prevents me from doing so. "Stupid glove," I mutter as I poke my thumb out to tap into our messages.

A swirling feeling fills my stomach.

Today 6:40PM

Julian: Dont tell me your at the football game.

Matty: *You're* and yes I am.

Julian: fuck you and lame.

Matty: Little Julian bored at home? Come to the game.

Looking up from my screen, I take a step forward in line until my phone dings.

Julian: fuck that our team's been shit since I left

Matty: oh yeah? Think you're Travis Kelce or something?

Julian: what you know about Travis Kelce?

Nothing other than the beloved celebrity he's dating.

Julian: you're a Swifty fan aren't you?

I chuckle. It's like he read my mind.

Matty: yup and I feel no shame about it.

Julian doesn't respond right away, but the text still reads 'delivered' and not 'read' like his past messages, so maybe he put his phone down.

I move up in line again as the feeling of disappointment settles in from the lack of response. Even though he usually irks the hell out of me, something in me wants to keep the conversation going.

Matty: they probably don't need my help anymore at the booth, you can pick me up.

Matty: I didn't really want to go anyway.

I'll just tell Laura I'm feeling sick and I'm sure Kayla will understand. But still, Julian doesn't respond and I stupidly stare down at my screen and even contemplate calling him.

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