XII. I Better Not Be Dreaming

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On our way home, Julian and I stopped for food, but I could barely eat; my mind on overdrive thinking about that moment in Julian's car. I thought he was going to kiss me. As much as I would've liked it, I'm glad he didn't kiss me in that moment. I don't want to think he was only going to kiss me for comfort. (Plus I had just thrown up, nobody wants to kiss someone after that). However, my thoughts on the possible kiss vanishes once Julian and I get home.

"Where the hell have you been?" Laura questions right as Julian walks through the mudroom with me following behind. She's the epitome of an angry mother; arms on her hips, firm stance, shooting daggers with her eyes. But they aren't aimed at me, they're aimed at her son.

I'm sure Julian rolled his eyes as he steps past his mother and asks, "Did you really expect us to endure that party with those rich assholes all night?"

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere," Laura says, following Julian into the kitchen. "I'm not done."

I take a step towards her, "I'm sorry I left, Laura. I know how important it was to Jack," I say feeling guilty.

She looks at me and gives a tight lipped smile, "Matthew, could you give us a minute?"

"Uh..." I glance at Julian who's wearing a bitter expression with crossed arms. Turning to Laura, "yeah sure. Sorry again." I start to walk towards the stairs. I'm trying to step slow enough to catch their conversation, yet not too slow so it's not noticeable to Laura.

I stop completely when I hear Laura go off on her son, "Where the hell were you? Do you know what time it is? God, I shouldn't even be surprised!" She seethed. But I ditched the party too, shouldn't she be yelling at both of us? "I asked you to be there today, you gave me your word-"

"I told you I'd show up, I never said I'd stay. Sorry I didn't want to sit through Jack's fucking speech-"

"You better watch your language young man. Dragging Matthew into your bullshit?" She speaks like she's fed up with her son. That's when I remember her talk with Jack about Colorado. I hope they don't kick him out.

I know I should stay out of it. I told Julian we should head back to the banquet, but he insisted on getting food. Which I knew he was just biding time till the banquet was over. Plus, I wanted to go home in the first place, not to some drag race.

I make a move to continue walking up the stairs when I hear, Julian say "Matty," correcting his mother.

This stops me from going upstairs. For some reason, Julian correcting his mother on my preferred name, makes me rethink everything. He gave me the option multiple times to opt out and I didn't, so this was partially on me too. And if I didn't go with him, I wouldn't have learned about Reggie and why Julian's acting out.

I internally groan in frustration before turning around and heading back downstairs. "Actually," I interrupt them. (Don't ask me why I'm about to lie for Julian). "I asked Julian to take me home. I'm so sorry, Laura. There was so many people talking to me about my parents and I just felt really suffocated. I asked Julian if we could leave and then we ended up getting some food and lost track of time. I should've gone to you before leaving. It's on me, not Julian."

Julian looks shocked by my rescue, but his expression turns back to neutral when his mother faces him again. "Is this true?"

Julian eyes me for a millisecond before saying, "Yes. Had you have listened and given me a chance to speak, I would've told you that." Ugh. I roll my eyes at him. I give this dumbass an out and he still gives his mother attitude?

Laura sighs, her whole body looking exhausted. "Fine. I'm sorry people were so nosy. That might've been my fault. I told a few people why you were staying with us. So I'm sorry." she apologizes to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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