trust falls? (ch3 part 2)

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long chapter!

(y/n's pov)

we get home. And I get my old jersey which I used to wear back home. I also grabbed my hockey gear. I was about to go until " hey, can I come with you y/n?" I hear Shiloh say." oh okay sure!" I say. We tell mom and head out. we arrive at the ice palace. I see everyone sitting at the tables so I sit with Shiloh next to the girls. "oh hey guys!" Maya and Lauren say. "hi, and what's going on where's Evan and Miss Alex?" I questioned. "oh we're waiting for them to come," Maya said. We see them both arrive. " Oh hey, guys so today is our first practice, and call me to coach A!" Miss Alex said. we all share looks which were confused looks. "you know what that didn't work, just call me Alex" Alex said. "okay so let's get ready" Alex said. we all start to gather our equipment and head out in the rink. " no umm today we won't be playing on the ice but we will be breaking the ice" Alex said. We sit back down. "okay everyone so we'll be playing a game where we sit in a circle and we pass around the puck and tell something that everyone knows about us on the outside, and then we will reveal something which nobody knows in the inside!" Alex Explained.

we sit around in a circle and I have Shiloh on my right and Evan on my left. "I'm sorry but is your mom okay? we have our first game on Saturday" I whisper in Evan's ear. "I don't know but let's see what's going on" Evan whispers back. I nod. Alex holding the puck says " this is the trust puck" " trust puck??" I whisper in Shiloh's ear. she just shakes her head. Alex continues" When you are holding the sacred puck, the floor is yours," sam says"uh on the outside, I like skateboarding, and I act kinda crazy, but inside I have no spleen. it bursts when I crash into a stop sign.. I'm a mess in there." he ends. Then the puck goes to Maya. "Hi! I'm Maya. I have this talent where I can zero in on someone's weaknesses and destroy them. Like I might tell you your puffy vest is very 2017, And every time I saw you, I'd say other things from 2017 just to get into your head. like, lego batman or fidget spinners?" Maya says. " burn- oh sorry- i-" I almost scream and then sit down trying not to laugh. " but this one is my favorite vests. it's got lots of useful pockets. " Alex said. "Pocket vests were big in 2017," Maya said. "you know what else is 2017?" Evan continued. "Hockey! so why don't we go play!" I finished agreeing with him.  "Not yet," Alex said. we both sat back down. the puck went to Lauren " I'm Lauren on the outside I'm a female warrior, and people say I dress weird. And inside, I used to have a crippling fear of death, but then I realized the fact that everybody, popular kids, freaks, we all have this vast nothingness waiting for us." she ended. "In a strange way, it gives me a sense of peace". "alright Lauren, making us aware of our mortality." all of them gave a weird look, but I was satisfied I mean girl power! the puck went to koob " Uhm, on the outside I'm a gamer and spend a lot of time in front of a screen, on the inside, I think we might all be a series of ones and zeros and living in a digital simulation." then the puck went to Shiloh " hi, I'm just here to support my sister but, on the outside, I'm an influencer who makes youtube with my friends and family, on the inside I'm really sweet and love doing mini podcasts!" she said, " oh wait, maybe you can be my substitute on my podcast wraparound while I play!" nick suggested, she just nodded. then the puck came to me. " hi I'm y/n nelson, on the outside, I'm an influencer, I also love hockey and I love the mighty ducks, on the inside, I'm a dark person who has dark humor so totally the opposite of my sister here" I say. then the puck goes to Evan. "hello, I'm Evan and on the outside I love hockey, and on the inside I also love hockey. so really looking forward to playing it!" he said. then the puck goes to logan. " hi I'm logan, on the outside god has blessed me with solid hair of lettuce" he said touching his hair. "  and I love cats, oh and on the inside, me and my dad just moved with my aunt cause my parents are getting a divorce.. mom cheated on him... I also love cats" he ends and passes the puck to nick. "hi, I'm nick. I have two moms who are both awesome and different in surprising ways. I'm a huge fan of hockey but haven't really played a lot. But I'm excited to take this journey with all of you!" he said, " and on the inside?" Alex questioned him "on the inside, I look like logan, maybe a bit taller." he ends I looked at him confused and logan looked at him surprised. " okay so let's go skate now!" Evan said. " not yet, who's ready for trust falls??" Alex said. "trust falls?" I whisper to both Shiloh and Evan, Shiloh just shrugs and Evan brings me with him too " umm can we just go for one minute to the washroom?" I say making a horrible excuse. "oh ok-" Alex says Evan just leads me to where we're going. " where are we going Evan-" I say and then he opens the door, I recognize someone familiar I look a bit closer holy!- IT'S GORDAN BOMBAY! " WAIT OMG OMG THE MIRACLE MAN GORDAN BOMBAY OMG-" I get cut off by Evan saying" we're going crazy out there, but we'll be alright right? I mean the ducks were underdogs and they got better" Evan said and Bombay said" yeah but you don't have me now close the door I'm trying to sleep it's my nap time" "wow what happened to him?" I ask Evan but no response. we close the door, then we see Alex coming our way " uh we went to the washroom totally" I say, "yeah I'm- going to the washroom too" Alex said, we run back to our chairs. 

(Shiloh's pov)

Where is y/n oh here she is I'm gonna go talk to Maya and Lauren, and ask them what's going on with logan and why he's blushing all the time. " hi guys!" I say "hey!" they say "so do you know what's going on with logan? why he's so red?" I ask " yeah I don't know what's going on with him," Lauren said " mhmm he's been doing that ever since your sister is here-" she got cut off by y/n saying " hey guys! what are you talking about?" "oh nothing just makeup stuff" Maya said, I and Lauren just nodded. "oh okay..?" she said " well what do you guys wanna talk about?-" y/n said while Maya cut her off by asking " oh actually who's your friends till now?" " yea tells us about each and everyone in brief," I say secretly smirking. Lauren me and Maya share a suspicious look yet excited.. she tells us about everyone and then comes logan and I see her blushing a bit. " well logan is nice? and he's a great friend" she said "OoOoOoOoO" we three say " omg- shut up -" she said and then we all chuckle.

(y/n's pov)

I see Alex come back. " you know what, let's go play ice hockey!". we all cheer


"welcome to practice. We're here to have fun. Let's remember, this is kids sports. The stakes could not be lower. Wait- what's wrong with koob?" Alex said and we all turn to koob and see him lying on the floor. " koob how ya doing?" I ask. " cold. wet At least the ice numbs the pain." he replies. then Evan questions his mom " want us to warm up and get ready for puck handling?"

"No, today we're using something much safer," Alex said taking out a black bag and dumps all the beach balls out " Beach balls!" she said everyone looked excited except for me and Evan, and Shiloh look at me from the bleachers too. Everyone started to play around with the beach balls some of them broke the equipment.


Me and Shiloh were on our way home after the award ceremony dinner we had when we saw a bus and then we saw Alex and the rest of the team. " what are you guys doing?" I asked them " trying to borrow some equipment?" Alex replied. "Shiloh text mom! right away!" I asked Shiloh she nodded and asked mom," she said it's fine now let's go get some equipment!" she said, we got inside the bus and I had to sit in the back with the girls, ugh, so I decided to sit with the boys cause all this girly stuff is killing me.

I move to the boys and I sit next to logan and they all look at me " what are you doing here y/n?" Evan asked, " eh I got bored of talking with the girls so why not talk with the boys?" I say they all chuckled " well you guys can talk act like I'm not here" I say " okay okay guys let's go! we're here!" Alex said as we all rushed and got out of the bus Alex said " there's a front lady at the desk. we gotta get past her." " her glasses are totally 2009, I could go in and crush her to dust that on" Maya suggested. " umm how about another idea that won't make someone feel like hell? I said " ok guys so this is the plan" Alex starts, " Evan you go in you tell her, you tell her you lost your helmet. Then once she goes to unlock the lost and found, logan and y/n you're next. Logan you're task is to charm her and distract her from us, and y/n you'll distract her by using your selfie tactics and more influential stuff. And, sam if there's any trouble, you create a distraction." Alex finished. "like act nuts, I can do that" sam said "rest of us will grab all the equipment" Alex said. 

Evan went in and we waited for him, then logan and I waited for the perfect time to go in. then we both went in. logan said" hi I'm new here could you talk me through the facilities?" but no response." " by the way you look great in brown" I said she looked up at us and smiled, then we started to slide to the other side so she couldn't see the rest of the team going in. after a while of talking she said" well let me get you a brochure" we almost screamed "WAIT" "uh- by the way umm I'm good with tech stuff and I wanted to suggest that you could use the canon camera's and then edit it afterward for your video ad's!" I suggest and then she slides again. "oh well thank you so much!" she said " we said well we gotta go now thank you so much for your help" we both said at the same time and then share a look and walk back and then we laugh. "well guys that worked perfectly! can't wait for the game tomorrow!" Alex said " actually could you drop off me and y/n home? Shiloh said " oh yeah sure!" Alex said, and in a minute we were home drifting off to sleep!..

(authors note)

hope you guys enjoyed this! next chapter is their first-ever hockey game so that will be hard as this is my first time writing a story and more y/n and logan time is coming together! well see you guys in the next chapter bai! take care of yourself!

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