31: red

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T H I R T Y - O N E


Alette's POV

I knocked at Dr. Esa's office door, and she smiled, looking up at me and putting her pen down.

"Hi Faye!"

I walked in, hugging some papers to my chest. I placed them on her desk and smiled.

"These are the documents you asked for, the copier got stuck so it took some time," I told her.

She waved it off, "No worries at all! Thanks!"

I nodded and she put her pen down, shuffling through the papers, "Everything seems to be in order here! You're the best, thank you," she smiled kindly.

I smiled shyly, "No problem!"

"Some good news for you," she said, folding her hands on the desk, "A few clients agreed to let you sit in on their sessions so you can shadow me while I work! I'll send you the necessary releases and privacy notices for you to sign, and we can get that started as soon as possible."

I beamed with excitement, "That's so wonderful, thanks so much again for this opportunity Dr. Esa, I really and truly appreciate it."

She beamed and we said our goodbyes as I grabbed my bag to go home.

I checked my phone as I waited for the elevator, knowing that Tai was meant to pick me up today. I opened my messages, seeing that the topmost one was from him.

Bow Tie: Sorry Bee, mom's car broke down, Jakob will pick you up, he's nearby. I'm sorry, love you, text me when you're home.

I took a breath and began texting him back, pressing the button for the elevator again.

Me: All good Bow Tie, I'll see you soon!! Say hi to your mom from me, hope her car gets fixed!

I walked into the elevator and stared at my reflection in the metal as I practiced my breathing exercises.

I wasn't nervous around Jakob; he was kind and he was protective. He understood my boundaries, always making sure that he, and others respected them. More than that, Reece trusted him, and that was enough for me.

I smoothed down my brown plaid pants and faded indigo, cropped knitted cardigan and shirt. My dark hair was braided on the top of my head, and then tied into a loose bun at the nape of my neck.

I had sent a picture of my outfit to Grams this morning, and she had said that I looked like a librarian.

Reece had also watched me get ready for work this morning, which wasn't out of the ordinary. We usually cooked breakfast and cleaned the kitchen together. Then he rushed to get ready while I took my time prepping for the day and catching up on emails and readings before classes or work.

He checked his emails and messages while I got ready, usually just staring at me rather than actually getting anything done.

He had watched me as I did my hair, his eyes intently staring at the movements of my fingers. He watched as I did my makeup: a light layer of concealer and mascara. He watched as I moisturized my arms before slipping on my cardigan.

When I finished and turned towards him, he had walked over and touched the tendrils of the hair that framed my face.

He had kissed me slowly, and I savoured every moment.

He drew away and softly touched the fabric of my cardigan and my bare collarbone, mumbling under his breath about how soft it was. He kissed me again and as I walked away, he smacked my butt, making my cheeks heat up and my eyes widen

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