34: the best day ever

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T H I R T Y - F O U R


Alette's POV

"Here are your pregnancy test results," Dr. Munroe said.

My eyes widened and my heart fell to my stomach.

"It's negative!"

I let out a breath and she smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry Faye, should've worded that better," she chuckled, gathering her papers, "Your stitches look good, and you've healed perfectly from the surgery. I just did your blood work, and that was a part of it. Thought I'd let you know, sorry for the moment of panic."

I almost threw up.

I swallowed, smiling weakly, "T-Thank you Dr. Munroe," I got up to leave the room and she followed behind me, chatting with me about other things.

We walked to the waiting room and the moment we turned the corner, Ares stood up from his seat and scanned my body.

In a few steps, he stood in front of us, and I wrapped my hand around his arm.

Dr. Munroe smiled knowingly at him, "Everything is perfect with Faye, she's all good and healed. I would advise against any extremely heavy lifting and movement just till the end of the week, but other than that, she's as good as new!"

Ares nodded at Dr. Munroe, and with one more goodbye, his strong arm wrapped around my waist, and we walked out of the building to the car.

Despite his strong grip on my waist, I managed to trip slightly over a small rock and he immediately looked at me.

"What's wrong? Do you need to go back? Is it your stitches? Do you need a wheelch-"

"Reecie," I laughed softly, placing my hand on his chest, "It was just a rock, my love, I tripped."

He let out a breath through his nose.

He pulled me closer to him as we walked, making sure to be mindful of the two-week-old stiches on my body.

He buckled me in when we got to the car and we began to drive home.

He rested his hand on my leg, and I leaned my head back onto the headrest, closing my eyes.

"You're fine, Alette?"

His low voice made me open my eyes. I sent him a reassuring smile, "I'm okay Ares, just sleepy."

The check-up was at 8:00AM, and I had gotten up early to make it to the appointment on time.

"Is your side hurting? Are you sure you don't want to stay at the hospital for a few days?"

I giggled, grabbing his hand and giving it a small kiss.

"It was just appendicitis, Reece, I'm completely fine now. It's been two weeks."

He still looked slightly uneasy, so I hugged his arm close to my body as he drove.

The day that Ares left for work, I began feeling a slight stinging pain on my lower right abdomen. I had gotten the pain a few days earlier as well, but it was exceedingly bad that day.

I had foolishly thought that the pains were cramps or because of stress, and I left it alone.

Then, with how busy Ares was with his work, I didn't want to bring it up to him.

Turned out, ignoring the pain was a bad idea, because I had fainted and scared the living daylights out of Josephine, who had then promptly called the ambulance.

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