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*Fighting with your mom.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as your trembling hand opened the door to Sebastian's house

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Tears streamed down your cheeks as your trembling hand opened the door to Sebastian's house. You'd had a rather nasty fight with your mom, and you just needed Seb to make you feel better.

After kicking off your shoes, you headed to the living room, where you heard the sounds of a video game. Seb was hanging out with his friends today, and you felt really bad interrupting, but you knew he wouldn't be upset.

"Sebs..." Your voice came out small, before you sniffled. He immediately dropped his controller and stood up.

"Dragă? What's wrong?" He pulled you into his arms, holding you tight as your tears wet his shirt.

"M-am certăt cu mama." (I got into a fight with mom.)

You didn't want to talk about it in front of Seb's friends, so you responded in Romanian. Despite living in the US now, you were both born in Romania, and still fluent in Romanian.

"Peste pulă aia?" (Over that dick?)

"Da." (Yes.)

"Ce a făcut el?" (What did he do?)

"I-a spus mamei că nu vrea să te mai văd." (He told mom he doesn't want me to see you anymore.)

Seb's friends were turned toward you, watching the exchange. They couldn't hear your responses, since you were pressed against Seb's chest. Not that they'd understand anyway.

"Fuck that."

You just nodded against him. He hugged you tighter and whispered in your ear that he wasn't going anywhere. After a couple minutes, you pulled back to look at him. He frowned at how sad you looked, before brushing his thumbs under your eyes to clear away your tears.

"Do you wanna go lay down in my room?"

You nodded. "You can keep hanging out with your friends. I just need to be away from mom for awhile."

"You sure, dragă?"

"Yeah. Hang out with your friends. I'll come out here if I need you. Te iubesc, Sebastian." (I love you.)

"Și eu te iubesc, y/n." He cupped your cheeks and gave you a soft kiss. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, a sad smile on your face. He pulled you in for a tight hug, and pressed a kiss to the side of your head. (I love you too.)

Once he'd released you, you turned to walk down the hallway. You knew where Seb's room was. You spent almost every day with Sebastian, often hanging out at his house. The two of you were inseparable, and had been for all 18 years of your lives.

You took off your hoodie and put on one of Seb's, then curled up under the covers on his bed, breathing in his scent. There was nothing in the world that could comfort you like Sebastian. You'd been a couple since you were 13, but had known each other literally every day of Sebastian's life. He was only 8 days younger than you, and your moms were best friends.

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