1: Fangirl *^.^*

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 What will you give up for Big Bang?




Then, what will you give up for GOD?


 (answer can be found at the end)

What a FanGirl does…

Buys albums…

Buys merchandise..

Sings their singles..

Attends concerts..

Attends forums..

Gives gift to idols..

Imitates the idols..

Loves the idols..

What a FanGirl of God can do..

Buys Bible…

Buys religious items..

Sings Christian songs..

Attends masses..

Attends prayer meetings..

Gives gift to others..

Imitates God..

Loves God..


I can give up Big Bang for God. :)

There's nothing wrong to admire someone. It's nothing but natural for a person to find another attractive. Of course one will! Who would not love a masterpiece of the Father? However, let's have enough dose for everything. Love God, then love your idols. That will never be contradicting. You can be an avid fan of someone, but never forget the One who made that someone. You can appreciate someone, but never set aside the One who gave talents to that someone. At the end of the day, it is still Him who loves you most. Take time to pray for your idol and to adore God . Take time to support your idol and take time to thank God's support. Take time  to cheer your idol and take time to talk to God. Take time to dance Fantastic Baby and take time to sing In Christ Alone. Take time to be a VIP and take time to become a child of God. :)

*Idols referred here means KPOP idols.

Spread the word of love~

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