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*The media is who we picture as young Rose (Blake Lively)*


Grandma opened the journal slowly and rubbed her hands over the slightly crinkled paper to straighten it out, taking a deep breath before starting:

March 3, 1942

Today was the warmest day Bluefield, New York has felt since the eighty-five degree weather we had gotten the day president Roosevelt was elected into office.

My theory is warm pretty days happen for a reason; they make you happier and more ready to begin the day with a more positive outlook on life, and when that happens more positive things happen.

"Goodness Rose, could you be anymore gorgeous?!" My bestfriend, Cathleen, asked as I put in my pearls. She admired my white dress with yellow daisies printed on them and how my blonde hair was perfectly pinned into a nice up due.

I gave her a warm, red lipsticked, smile. "Let's just hope your mother doesn't see you with that bright red lipstick on." She giggled, pushing herself off my bed and standing next to me. "Oh hush up Cathleen, what mama doesn't know won't hurt her." I said with my right hand resting on my hip.

I watched her hand as she reached down and picked up the golden tube of lipstick and slowly took the top off applying some to her own lips. "You're right, zip me up?" She turned around, putting her hair on one side of her shoulder. When I finished she twirled around in the dress that looked a bit like mine; It had red cherries on it instead of the daisies.

"So, Clarrise said that she heard from Stephanie, who heard from Candace, who said she over heard Don talking to Jimmy, and said that Don was going to ask you to dance tonight." She said all in one breath.

"You know you can never trust Clarrise she is never a valid source of information. The last time you believed something she said it almost cost you a visit to the principles office." I protested. Clarisee and her friends were nothing but gossip, I knew they meant well but they didn't know how to keep there noses out of the air and there thoughts and opinions to themselves.

"Don Quincy is a total hunk though! Have you seen him in that leather jacket, Rose? Talk about a babe." She put her hands on her a chest.

"But what about the personality? It's not all about looks ya' know." I grabbed my car keys off of my night stand.

"Before we leave, promise me you'll at least dance with him if she ask? The whole school will be at the swing tonight and you need to show everyone you can get someone like him." She gave me a satisfying smile and walked past me out of the door.

We rode in my 1939 red corvette, which was my eighteenth birthday present. Mom saved every penny for it and I couldn't have been more grateful, which is why I felt kind of bad for sneaking out after she went to sleep to go to a dancing club with my friend. I knew she wouldn't approve because she always says: "School first, you'll have time for fun when you have a a college degree and a good paying job." And she was correct in so many ways, but she couldn't just rip my whole teenage years away from me.

"I've got a good feeling about tonight, I just know it's going to be spectacular." I said, smiling as I pulled into the main road.

"I mean, yeah, totally Rose! I'd have a good feeling too if I found out the Don Quincy wanted dance with me!" Cathleen explained.

"No it's not that, at all. Do you know that kind of sixth sense I have when I just know something good is to come?" I glanced over at Cathleen who was looking diligently at her red colored fingernails. "Sure." She mumbled. "Well, I've got that feeling deep in my gut."

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