And You're Mine (Atsuhina)

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Another morning at Miya household and like every other morning Hinata is seeing his son off to school.

"Take care okay?"

"Yes, Dad I will," Kiyo bids his dad a goodbye kiss.

After seeing off his son,

"Now it's time for the real deal. Gotta wake up the giant baby."

Hinata runs across the hallway, Just married sign still hanging there ( if you have read the first Atsuhina one-shot on this series ;) and knocks on their door.
When even after knocking Atsumu doesn't answer Hinata comes inside.

"Babe wake up!!"


"I said wake up Atsumu."

They were gonna be late for practice if Atsumu didn't wake up, like right now.


Hinata tries pulling the blanket off.

"Five more minutes Sho..."

"You said the same thing thirty minutes ago. Come on!! Kiyo has gone to school too. What is our son gonna think of you?!"

Atsumu takes Hinata's hand, who was standing near Atsumu's bedside, and pulls him towards him wrapping him in his arms.

"Sho you should sleep more, my love."

"Nah I'm not getting swayed this time. Iwaizumi san will kill us if we get late like last week."

"I don't care! Iwaizumi can go to Oikawa and never come back."

"That's not how it works!!"

After trying for minutes Hinata was finally able to get out of Atsumu's hold.

"You sure you're not waking up?"

No response.

"Okay then. Guess I'll have to try some other way."

Atsumu kept his eyes closed wondering what Hinata will do. But even after seconds passed by, Hinata never did anything. Atsumu was going to open his eyes to peek where Hinata is when he felt a soft touch on his skin. Then another and another. Hinata was kissing Atsumu all over, everywhere.


"What? Finally woke up??"

Then a sly smile came across Hinata's face. Wondering why Hinata suddenly stopped Atsumu opened his eyes fully. Just then Hinata kissed Atsumu's sensitive part, his neck.


A weird sound came out of Atsumu's mouth. Hinata's grin grew even bigger and started nibbling on that part.

"///Shoyo- it tickles-////"

"Wake up or I'll kiss you there till you wake up :)"

Hinata resumes nibbling Atsumu's neck.

Then slowly Atsumu puts his arms around Hinata and pulls him close.

"//I'm not letting you go now! You're all mine. I will not let anyone steal you from me.//"

"//Pretty sure I'm already all yours.//"

Atsumu who's neck was already red, grew an even deeper shade of red along with Hinata.

"Wake up now or no more kisses for Atsumu today."

In a hurry, Atsumu sat up.

"H-hai I'm awake. I am not sleeping!!"

Haikyuu one shots ft. rare hinata shipsWhere stories live. Discover now