Chapter 3: team seven

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(AN I will for sure put in team seven this chapter and if I still have the chapter short enough kakashi's bell test. And a pic of Andoru's crest all drawings are made by yours truly. Even my profile pic.)

Andoru's POV
I got out of bed and took my shower. I then put on my new clothing which consisted of metal plate shin guards on top of blue (AN same as hitai-atte.) shinobi pants, blue shinobi sandals, my hitai-atte tied around my neck, gray fingerless gloves that also have metal plating going an inch below my elbow, and a gray shirt with my personal crest.

The crest comes from my doujutsu not that I'm showing it yet and the flame comes from kyofu who's become a brother to me. A pervy one but none the less a brother. He's also allowed me to use his flames for my fire jutsu.

What this does to help is make my fire jutsu more powerful. The only downsides are that first I would need to create the technics and the second is I can only use one of those technics in an actual battle apart from practice and I need to wait five minutes between them or it could kill me. In the end though what made me love Kyofu's flames was the one permanent change. Whenever I'll use a fire jutsu the flames are blue. (AN so what if it's childish, anywhere and anytime blue is boss.)

Looking at the time I have a quick meal consisting of rice, egg, and a tortilla. I then rush to the academy class. Once I'm there I take my normal seat in the back and talk to kyofu. "Hey kyofu any idea who'll be on my team."

"Well your guarantied to be with the Uzumaki with him being the dead last but apart from that I don't know."

Just then Iruka comes in and says,"Today you begin working with your teams. But due to the amount of passing students one team will have four of you. " Iruka said all the teams but three. "Team six is, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame.

Team seven lead by, Kakashi Hatake is, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki. At that point Naruto was excited and Sakura groaned. Iruka continues," Sasuke Uchiha. Now Naruto banged his head on the desk while Sakura yelled, "Love conquers all!"
"And Andoru Mun-en." Iruka finally finishes. At that I could feel Sasuke's cold glare.

"Team nine, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka."

During time all the teams were taken by their sensei but us. "So how does this team fare kyofu."

"The Haruno shows no potential in my eyes for this job, the Uchiha has psychological problems that are too late to heal, and the Uzumaki shows promise if he can get rid of the 'kill me' jumpsuit."

I then decide to leave the classroom not bothering to listen to what Sakura yelled to me about. I just followed where my feet took me and wound up at the KIA stone. When I saw kakashi standing there I realized I was right about going out of the classroom.
"Kakashi sensei you do realize the rest of the teams waiting for you in the classroom right." With that kakashi sensei and I walked to the classroom. When sensei opened the door a chalk board eraser hit his head while Sakura yelled, "Your late and just where'd you go Mr. I can leave the team!"

"So far I hate all of you except him." Kakashi sensei says pointing at me.
"Meet me on the roof in five minutes." he

AN first up please forgive how things are said that's just how I speak.
Second I need help on who'll be with Andoru.
So please vote on one of the following or put in your own girl though she must be from Naruto.

Put your own in though not guarantied a spot in the voting.

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