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A few nights later, Ellis was huddled up next to you in the customer service area. She had lost the glasses shop to the boys, who had decided to stay with you in the Walmart. You had to admit, they got on your nerves quite a bit.

Tommy and Toby were loud, and attracted a lot of attention. Charlie was just plain idiotic most times, and so was Wil. Phil and Ranboo were probably the most 'sane' seeming of the bunch.

It was a wonder how they've survived this long, though.

Despite your constant wondering of their survival, you held Ellis close to you, wide awake at whatever time it was. Late is what you would generalize it to. It wasn't your fault that all ability to tell time has practically disappeared as most technology was destroyed.

You weren't sure why you were awake, but you rarely ever did. It was almost like you had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. You only hoped that it didn't have anything to do with the Infected.

So, instead of just being a sitting duck for this possible threat, you decided to scout the nearby areas of the building. You passed the glasses shop and looked in ever so discreetly. Wil, Phil, Ranboo... You thought, scanning over the sleeping bodies of your comrades. Toby and Tommy.

You frowned, turning towards the room fully. Where was Charlie? You took a few steps into the glasses shop and looked around to each dark corner to see if you spotted him. Unfortunately -- or fortunately if you thought about noise levels -- he wasn't in the small store.

You backed out of the room as quickly as possible. You had to find Charlie. You knew basically nothing about him at all, but you already knew a lot about the energy he provides for the group he's been travelling with all this time. He was the reason, you assumed, that they kept going.

You jogged up and down aisles, looking high and low for Charlie. Where is he? You started to try and think like him from the information that you have about him, maybe the hunting section. You started heading your way to the section, passing the shoes.

"Oh, hi Y/N!" You heard from the gaming section, you turned around and saw Charlie waving at you. You shrugged it off and kept going to look for-


How were you so stupid?

You turned around and headed back towards the gaming section in hopes he was still there, and there he was. He simply waved at you to come over to him. Waving back, you walked over to see he was playing the demo Pac-Man machine.

"What's your high score?" You ask, looking at the screen. Since it was a demo, people had broken the machine before.

"I can barely beat the third stage." He says in reply, GAMEOVER spells out on the screen. You take the joystick and start playing. Stage one complete... Stage two complete... Stage three complete...

Time passes by and you hear Charlie complaining in the background. Stage thirty-five complete...

"Oh come on!" Charlie screams from behind you. You laugh in response and start again.

"I can't help the fact that you're bad, Charlie." You say not long after he finishes complaining. Stage thirty-six  complete... Stage thirty-seven complete...Stage thirty-eight complete... Stage thirty-nine complete...

"Really. Stage forty? Seriously? Phil, I need help! I'm getting beat by Y/N at PAC-Man!" Charlie screams in their direction. You feel bad for them, and Ellis.


"There. I lost, happy?" You say turning to Charlie, who starts celebrating like the apocalypse just ended. You heard sprinting from the clothes section. William sprints out of the clothes section to Charlie.

"Charlie! Seriously? Everyone is awake! I enjoyed the silence without Tommy." Wil yells at him playfully. You burst out laughing. "Now I have to beat Y/N at PAC-Man!" Charlie started to laugh with you as Wil started playing the game.

He started playing and already started talking to the ghosts like they were people.

"Blue, no. No. Nononononononono." Wil screamed as he lost again. GAMEOVER spelled out on the screen for the fifth time in the past ten minutes.

"See, though! They did twenty with ease!" Charlie yelled at both of you. You couldn't respond with anything but laughter.

"Y/N. Help me beat you, please." Wil said and let go of the joystick. You calmed yourself and walked over.

Stage thirty-five complete... Charlie frowned and leaned back towards William, who was watching in shocked awe. You grinned slightly, not taking your eyes off of the screen. Stage thirty-six complete... Stage thirty-seven complete...

"How are they this good?" Wil asks, leaning closer to you, barely hindering your concentration. At that point, the levels you passed began to melt together. Level thirty-eight was the same as level forty-two, now... nothing seemed to change.

"Y/N!" Tommy called from the men's clothing racks. "LOOK AT THIS COOL SHIRT!" You glanced over and eyed the shirt in his hands. It was dark grey with a lighter grey color for sleeves. You smiled and nodded at him before turning back to the game.

The instant your eyes met the screen, pinky ran into you and the PAC-man blew up on screen. GAMEOVER was displayed widely over the screen, and you fell back onto Charlie with a huff. He laughed at you, letting you continue leaning against him. "Next time, Charlie," you mutter, frown finding your face again. "Don't just run off at like... two in the morning." He laughs again, louder this time, before shoving you away from him.


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