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After a bit of arguing over Tommy taking control, the waking of Phil, and getting yelled at by Wilbur... Your 'posse' was finally out the door. You were in the back, listening as closely as possible for any abnormal sounds. Tommy and Charlie were in the front, and Ranboo was next to Ellis, listening intently as she animatedly told him about her brother.

You ignored them, and decided instead to listen more to the sound of birds tweeting and the crackling of the pavement below you as you stepped on it. You were glad that it wasn't cracked, as you usually would have expected in some sort of zombie apocalypse. Granted, this had nothing to do with zombies. Well, theoretical zombies. The sort of zombies in fairytales.

These zombies were just brainless, having nothing to do with eating brains... Also, you were pretty sure that in those zombified-fairytales, the zombies' blood stayed the same color as it always was. You glanced down at the tan work boots Ellis found for you before dinner yesterday and remembered how untrue that was here.

For a bit, you spaced, wondering why that was. What kind of infection was there that changed the blood color? You couldn't think of any at the moment. Granted, you had only been through your first year of college, working toward a photography career. It had been a natural thing to you, being able to pick up a camera and take half-decent shots. You were sure it'd make a pretty good movie set, all these abandoned buildings, those broken windows... the bloodied pavement.

"Hey there's a PetSmart!" Tommy yelled and started sprinting towards the building.

You all followed him into the store to find it abandoned like the Walmart. All the fish tanks were full of dead fish. The shelves were stocked with toys for them. Everyone split up to find anything of use, you and Charlie went towards the cat kennels, while everyone else went towards the dog kennels. You winded your way through the isles of dead hamsters to find the cat kennels still intact with a small white cat with light blue eyes.

You gasped in adoration. "Cat." You instantly sprint towards the kennels to pick up the cat in your arms. It started purring at you. "This is my cat now, anyone who tries to say otherwise will face the same fate as the fish."

Charlie eyed you suspiciously for a moment before shrugging. He smiled and nodded, walking toward the food aisles. He quickly picked up a bag of food for it, hoisting it over his shoulder with a grunt. "Well then, this'll be a long trip home..." He admitted, adjusting the weight of the food.

You held the small cat, rocking it slightly, and followed Charlie towards the dog kennels where the other three in your party were. When you reached them, they all had disappointed looks on their faces, showing no dogs in any of the kennels. "So no luck?" Charlie asked with a laugh.

Tommy sighed, and Ranboo shook his head. "No luck.All were starved to death in their own kennels, quite sad actually." Ellis sat next to a dead dalmatian in the corner.

"Ah..." You whispered, hanging your head, allowing a moment of silence. "Well... at least we have this cat!" You smiled at them, holding the small feline up. It mewed quietly, drawing everyone's attention instantly. Ellis looked up and gasped in adoration, then stood up and started petting the cat in your arms.

"It's adorable!" She said, and took the cat from your arms. She held it up then whispered something to herself before putting it back in her arms. "It's even male!" Ranboo let out a sigh of relief. Once you all calmed down and got the cat some supplies, you started heading home.

"I think we should name the cat after bread." Ranboo said on the way back to Walmart.

"No, I say we name him Tommy the 2nd, sounds way cooler than whatever Ranboo thought was cool!" Tommy argued. Everyone shook their heads, even the cat.

"I like the idea of bread, maybe Buns?" Ellis said, petting his head. You saw Charlie look at you for a minute before you nodded your head.

Then you entered the Walmart to find Toby standing right infront of the doorway with his arms crossed against his chest. He had a stern look on his face. You stopped and stared back at him with Buns in your arms.

"You guys left without me! How dare you! You even came back with a cat!?" Tubbo said to you, even though it looked like it was mainly towards Tommy.

"We told you to sleep, Toby. You're scary whenever you don't sleep well." Tommy said, trying to reason with him. Toby simply rolled his eyes at him and turned his attention to Buns.

"I'm sorry about the outrage, where'd you find him?" Toby said, starting to pet Buns on the head. You chuckled, handing him the small creature.

"Well, Charlie and I found Buns in a kennel in PetSmart.... Which I admittedly didn't know existed." You stated, watching as Toby inspected Buns thoroughly, checking for possible injury. Weirdly enough, there wasn't. Toby walked towards Wilbur and Phil who came from around the corner.

"When did we get a cat?" Wilbur said, looking at Buns, Toby passed by peacefully.

"Y/N and I found him in an abandoned PetSmart not too far from here." Charlie said. You weren't bothered to listen to the rest of the conversation, so instead you started playing PAC-Man, seeing whether or not you could beat your highscore.


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