Chapter 6

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Amelia walks through the halls with pure determination and anger. She is hurt, betrayed and quite frankly pissed off. How could they do this to her? How could her 'father' do this to her? She wants to immediately get off this plane and move herself far away from everyone. All she feels is anger, stupidity and loss. On top of that, the side effects from not taking her medication are setting in, leaving her nauseous, sweaty and dizzy. She walks into the lab, slamming the door open with her weight. She realizes that all of the avengers are standing in the room, looking at her. She was hoping that it would just be Tony here, but now it's even more uncomfortable. Thor stares at the odd girl, noticing a gold necklace around her neck. The odd shape of the circle, with her initial dented unevenly into it- it looks exactly like the necklace him and Loki made for Asta. He notices her features more now- the shade of her green eyes, the angle of her cheekbones...What if Loki isn't wrong? What if it is Asta? 

"Peanut?" Tony calls out at the surprising scene. He can tell from her sickly complexion that she hasn't taken her medication. He recalls the last time she didn't take her medication with unease- she was only a child then. 

"Don't call me that." She spits out, glaring at the imposter in her life. This makes everyone turn and look at the awkward scene unfold. She didn't want a scene but her anger is getting the best of her. 

"You went looking." Tony realizes. He knows his kid, he knew she would eventually look for the inconsistencies in her life. Natasha closes her eyes tightly from the guilt of lying. Thor, Steve and Bruce look in confusion amongst each other. 

"You were never going to tell me....were you?" A tear rolls down her cheek. His frozen expression makes her laugh darkly. "Did you know it was killing me? The medication?" 

"I...I've had my suspicions." He gets off his chest. Her heart sinks to the pit of her stomach and the only thing she feels is burning anger. "I was looking for other ways to help you-" 

"You kept me on that medication knowing what could happen to me!" She yells. Her eyes looked so different in anger. "You never cared about me. I was never your daughter. I was just a guilty project you needed to work on. Thats all I ever been." She holds back her tears, she won't cry. She wants to throw her rage around, her sadness can wait. Her monitor starts to beep from her increased heart rate. "It all makes sense now! Why you constantly were getting me out of the house, forcing me to study away, all those business trips, everything! I was something you were guilty over! This...This was never love." 

"Amelia, of course I love you. I'm trying to protect you. You don't understand what you're capable of-" 

"Well, I know what you're capable of! You evil, arrogant, selfish monster of a man! I wasted my life trying to get you to take pride in me. Trying to get you to-to just appreciate me for me. But it never came. I-I-I'm just the big stupid secret you had to live with!" She yells, throwing her hands up. Her monitor's beeps get louder and louder. Suddenly a green blast escapes her fingers. The whole room begins to shake. Amelia looks down at her shaking, green-glowing hands, and then up at the wide-eyed team with fear. "D-Da...." She tries to speak, but her breathing hitches. She is panicking. 

"Asta..." Thor mumbles in disbelief, recognizing his niece's magic. He clears his throat and steadies himself on the shaking aircraft. "Asta!" He calls out, making her look at him confused. "You must calm your mind. Breathe slowly. Everything will be okay.." He continues on, walking closer to her. 

"Stark!" Steve calls out. "How could you lie about something like this? Keeping the kid as your project-" 

"Steve now is not the time. " Natasha warns him, but he already pissed off Iron Man. 

"I did what I thought was best for the kid-" 

"No, you did what you thought was best for you. Does she look like a normal kid? What were you doing? Fixing your own guilt? You were killing her!" Steve yells back at him, making Amelia's breathing more difficult. 

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