Chapter 15

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The day has passed painstakingly slow for the young girl not allowed to leave the room. A fearful nurse would come in every so often to check on her and re-wrap her shoulder. No one cleaned the mess her powers caused. Not a single nurse spoke to her or looked her in the eye. Amelia started to wonder if they think she could vaporize them. Out of boredom, she wanted to scare them, but she decided against it. They are just scared and suffering too. The Avengers did not come either, and Tony never came in again. Every so often her powers would dance across her fingers- almost like her powers missed her...Like it loved her? It was a weird feeling to Amelia. She did not love it back. Instead, it made her feel like a prisoner in her own body. The night sky looked beautiful tonight, despite the destruction below. Amelia wondered how many sights like this she took for granted. When will be the next time she sees the sunset on Earth? Or walk through the dark streets? She suddenly is missing all the things she never thought about before; like riding the subway and ice cream. Mind you, she never liked either of those things. Does Asgard have Earth food? Does it have people her age? Would she even belong there? What if she has to live up to the expectation of who she was supposed to be? A hollowness in her chest arises. She never truly felt this alone in her life. Yes, she felt alone before, and even incredibly lonely but not like this. She will be losing her home, a life she knew, people she knew, and for what? Because lies ruined her life. 

No one asked if she wanted to go to Asgard, which bothers her the most. No one bothered to question her. Well, even if they did ask her she would never be able to say no. And if she did, where would she go? Tony is out of the question. She isn't a fool. She noticed how uncomfortable and fearful he was of her. She also can't trust the man who was ready to let her die. Coulson is gone. She rather be dead than stay with another Avenger. So she would've just accepted. She would be miserable there, but she is already miserable here. At least there she wouldn't have to please her father. Maybe she can figure out who she is without him. Plus, Loki will be locked away so there is not much damage he can do to her character. 

"I assumed you are hungry." Thor's loud voice echoes through the room, knocking the teenager's stare out of the window. His large build makes the plates of soup in his hands look so small.  Despite the odd sight, her stomach growled, embarrassing her. The god chuckles and places a bowl on her lap. He carefully walks around the mess and grabs a half-broken chair to sit in. The loud creaking of the chair doesn't stop Thor from stuffing his face. "I hope you are fairing well." She has to admit that her spirits lifted once he ate. Someone wants to eat with her. Someone wants to be around her. 

"I'm sore." He chuckles, admiring her face. His lost niece on the planet he adored- the irony that she was right under his nose. "How are you?" She says to make small talk. In truth, she wants to get to know him. He is her uncle after all and she will be going to a foreign land only knowing him. 

"Sore," He responds, making her smile. He didn't want her smile to fade but he needed to get a plan together. "I assume Tony has informed you about Asgard."

"Yes."  She looks away.

"You have people who miss you there. The people of Asgard miss their princess."

"They remember a small child, not this chaotic monster."

"Oh, you were a chaotic monster as a child." He retorts, making her laugh. His honesty was refreshing and had a sense of real to it. She could tell he cares for her. He didn't fear her powers or her. By the twinkle in his eyes, she knew he loves her. It is uncomfortable that someone loves her so much and she doesn't remember them. 

"Was I?"

"Oh yes! You were a little menace! Running around the palace breaking everything in your path and messing with everyone. Oh but no one could punish you. You'd instantly give this face that even fath-Odin melted."


"King of Asgard. My father and your grandfather...Well in the parts that matter." Thor wasn't initially going to tell Amelia of Loki's heritage but he then decided it is for the best. The poor girl has lived too many lies. 

"What do you mean?"

"Loki is not my blood. He is adopted. He had found out after you disappeared."

"Oh," Amelia said. She technically wasn't even entitled to the throne.

"The people of Asgard do not know. King Odin does not wish the people to see Loki as less, even after all of this." Amelia wonders if Odin is doing that because he is a good father or because he has guilt. Well, could Loki have ended up this way if he had a good father? She decides not to dwell on it. She shouldn't give that man a thought. "You will be safe there. You will learn and grow -" 

"I won't be able to contact anyone here, will I?" 

"You are not a captive, Asta. It is your home and so is Earth. I will speak with Odin about how often you can visit without raising too much alarm to the people. They are wary of such open use to humans. There is this stigma that humans are primitive." Thor clears his throat. "If you want to stay on Earth, we will figure a way to train you quickly so you can come back. Would you like that?" There is sudden pressure on her. Would she want to come back? What if she likes it? What if it is home? Or worse what if she hates it? 

"I-I...don't know...I...Uhm.. feel lost." She admits. Thor places a kind hand over hers and gives it a light squeeze. 

"I can imagine, niece. We will take it slow and figure it out day by day. Tomorrow morning you can pack a bag or so of items you like or need. I am sure you have attachments to items. Are there any companions you would like to wish farewell to?" There are people in her life she could say goodbye to- old friends who she only drinks and parties with now, some guys that became regular late-night calls, and even an old childhood friend that don't speak of much importance anymore. 

"" Considering her picture and footage are all over the news, she decided against it. She isn't ready for the conversations. She doesn't want to be asked questions or have to go through the goodbyes. She just wants to leave and be gone. "But I do have some things I want to pack." 

"Of course. I will tell Stark to deliver you-" 

"Can't someone else just take me to the tower?" 

"Uh...I am sure someone else may deliver you if that is what you wish." 


A/N- I was going to put Amelia's trip to Asgard in book 2- but I think I am going to just make it a part two of this book. What do you guys think? Also I don't know which name I want her to go by but I'll go with the flow for that one.  Which name do you guys think? 

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