The only way back in is joining the"COLLEGE GAMES"

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A few days after I ran away from that jerk "JACK FROST" I always had perfect tests and he always fail from that time.Every test its leveling up from easy to hard but for me its easy as baking pie.Today I told Anna and Kristoff to visit.Because they noticed that they were so far away so they moved away so I was left with Jack,Hiccup and Punzie.
They went in the house and spoke about Jack.Luckily he went out.

"Hey Anna"I told.

"Hi!"she answered.

"Why did you call us?"Kristoff asked.

"Oh,About Jack"I told.

"Oh,love issues?"Anna guessed.

"No"I answered.

"Then what?"Anna thought.I told them everything from the start until the end.On first Anna was hyper but on the last.....

"WHAT DID THAT JERK DO?!!"she shouted and I hushed her because Punzie was sleeping.

"He told that reading is just a joke"I answered.

"IM GONNA GONNA......"Anna told.

"Don't worry I'll show him"I told.

'I'll show him'I told in my mind.

*****(after studying hard)at the end of semester*****

I studied everything for this day.I'll show him what reading can do.

"Everybody Mister Sandy will join for us today"North told.

"Ok,first Rapunzel Corona!"he added.

While Punzie is still taking the test,I studied the textbooks one more time.Then someone bumped into my books.I looked up and saw.....


While my housemate Rapunzel is still taking the test,I tried to shoot something on the corner of the room.Then it hit my back which caused me to hit someone's book.It was Elsa gazing at me angrily.

'What are you doing?!' she whispered.

'Its none of your concern'I whispered.

Then I pushed her to one of the corners to the one where no one could see us.

'Why are you still holding those books?'I whispered.

'Im studying and I would never listen to you anymore' she answered and poked my chest.

'Im sorry please forgive me' I whispered.

'Never' she answered.

Then I pressed my lips against hers and closed my eyes.It was passionate and sweet.I feel her trying to go away.Then I breaked the kiss.

'Im really sorry' I whispered once more.Then she blushed and turned bright as a tomato.

"GET AWAY FROM ME JERK"she shouted and a few stared at us.Then she started attacking me,I have no choice to fight back.Then I hit something on my back,it was the film when Mister Sandy defeated Pitch Black.Then it fell on a shredder which was shredded to tiny pieces.Mister Sandy saw and put a translator on his neck.

"What are you doing there?"he asked and we stopped fighting.

"Nothing Sir"me and Elsa said in unison.

"Then why is the film of my heroic act,SHREDDED?!!"he asked angrily.

"And for that your powers must be kept for safety"he said and stole our powers.I felt a little weak and felt like Elsa feel the same way.

"And for that you shall never ever come back here!"he told.

Then we were kicked out,literally,kicked out off the building.

"OUCH!!"Elsa shouted.

"Are you fine?"I asked.Then I saw her crying.

"Th--This,THIS WOUD'NT HAPPEN BECAUSE OF YOU!!!"she shouted angrily to me.

"Don't worry we'll find a way to get back in"I told but I wasn't so sure.

"Re--Really?"she asked while still sobbing.

"Yeah"I answered.

"Thank you Jack,your the kindest boy I've ever met here"she told while hugging me.Then we saw flyers flying all over the place.I read it and saw that this event will be featuring Mister Sandy.

"Maybe if we win in this competition we might come back in the course"I told and Elsa's spirits rose up.

"YEAH!You're really great in thinking Frost!"she told and hugged me again but this time I fell because Elsa hugged me so hard.Then we sat back again and she started blushing.

"But we need 5 members"I added.

"Don't worry,we'll be here to help"I heard Rapunzel's voice behind me.I peeked behind me there I saw Flynn and Hiccup with Rapunzel.

"But why...."Elsa asked.

"Wherever my cousin goes I go"Rapunzel told.

"Thanks"Elsa told.

"Oh,Jack you can call me Punzie"she told.

"Okay"I told.

We looked at the paper more and more.

"Alright,the games include these:Sports that are:Targeting,Hiding from Enemies,Agility with a maze,Protecting,Power Battle and Which do you choose.The first team that gets the flag will win the game.And the last will get eliminated"Punzie explained.

"Woah,that's a lot to tackle on"Elsa told,which is kinda cute.

"But,who will do the aiming for us?"Flynn asked.

"Is there any room to spare?"An unknown girl asked behind us.

We all looked at the girl.

"Hey Astrid!"Hiccup called out and hugged her.

"Hey,sweetie pie"she told.

"Sweetie pie?"I asked.

"That's your girlfriend?"I added.

"Yeah,hey guys,This is my soon-to-be-wife,Astrid"Hiccup told.

"And I'll be glad to do the aiming for you"she told then...KISSED?!...HICCUP!

"Alright,smooch time is over,Punz,You'll be our coach"Flynn told.

"Alright,we'll apply tomorrow,we'll train tomorrow as well"she told.

"But today,lets have a big rest for tomorrow"she added.

As evening went,we ate dinner,do our routine and went to sleep.What mystery awaits us?

Author's Note:

Hello,I'm sorry for saying I'll delete this.But,here it is!I hope you'll keep on reading this! Thank you and Enjoy!I would like to thank for all the people who's still reading this and the people who voted.Here have a heart-shaped cookie.......<3 <3 <3.Thank you! ;)

Jelsa goes to CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now