Chapter Five: Carlisle Cullen POV Part Two

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          Edward sat in the passenger seat of my car as we drove home from the graduation ceremony. He wasn't saying anything but I knew he could hear, see, and read my thoughts. The entire time I was with Belle, I didn't have my mental shields up. He must have seen it all. Since then, I've been subconsciously reciting Shakespearan poetry.

          "Shouldn't you be reciting Romeo and Juliet?" Edward finally asked.

          I sighed, "What did you see?"

          "Enough. Carlisle, you truly are dense. Why not just ask me how she feels? I can read her mind just as easily as yours. Especially when you're both together," he said.

          I glanced outside at the content citizens roaming around town, "I fear that might hurt more, Edward. I don't expect you to understand. I see myself as your father. I took in all of you. You know that I am the leader of our coven. Even if I knew how Belle felt, what can I do about it? I'm more than three centuries older than her. Biologically, I'm five years older. You're an entire century older than her. What makes you think we would work out?"

          He looked at me and sighed, "Because you both have feelings for each other. Carlisle, she wasn't afraid of your touch and she was blushing in your arms. I know what you think of her."

          I glared at him, "Don't screw with me, Edward."

          He met my gaze, "I'm not. You need to figure it out. Even if you're accustomed to her scent, you've been a vegetarian this long."

          Within my closed mouth, I ran my tongue over my fangs. He's wrong about that. She would be the one that breaks me, and I will break her. I've never felt so conflicted. According to Edward, I like her and she likes me. Now what? Edward swore himself to secrecy and my other four children had no suspicion towards Belle and I. However, they all had different opinions on my decision to remain here.

          "Let me get this straight," Rosalie hissed in frustration, "You want the five of us to move to Canada, without you?"

          I nodded, "Forks needs a doctor like me. I would only be staying for two years after Alice and Jasper graduate. If another qualified doctor comes before then, I will move to Canada."

          Alice had a mischievous smile as she circled me, "Bellezza will be more than qualified by then. She'll be your intern. You can leave her behind."

          I gulped but thankfully Emmet had a worse slip-up, "How is Beauty? I heard she was turning heads at prom."

          Rosalie turned on Emmet, "I'll turn your head if you call her that again!"

          Jasper cleared his throat, "Why now give us this freedom?"

          "Because," I said over Rosalie and Emmet's argument, "I feel that the five of you don't need me to father you. However, maybe I was wrong."

          Rosalie twitched, falling for my words, "Excuse me? I can watch over them just as well as you. If not better. Have fun playing doctor. I'm going for a hunt."

          Emmet followed after her and Alice and Jasper went after them when they caught wind of a herd of deer. Edward was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

          "Well?" I asked.

          "They don't have any suspicions, Carlisle. I think you should be careful, though. Since Belle won't be around for a couple years, you have no reason to be talking about her. Alice saw enough but you should keep some distance. Oh!" he brought out a small rectangular paper and threw it at me like a card, "I figured you'd want one. Keep that hidden."

          He sauntered away as I looked at the paper I caught. It wasn't a paper, it was a solo prom picture of Belle. Her hair was in a braided bun with curly loose strands begging to be tucked behind her ears. Her bangs swept over just above her clear eyes. She never wore makeup and she had no reason to. On her neck was a gold chain with a red rose pendant. Her dress was a dusty yellow color that could have been showered with gold flakes. She's beautiful. My chest was tight again and I found it hard to breathe. When I glanced at her lips, a rosy red color as well, I inhaled sharply and put the picture deep in my pockets. Three years. For some reason, that felt longer than my entire existence. 

Bellezza Swan | A  Carlisle Cullen Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now