Oneshot 3

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Noelle didn't know when to tell Asta the news so she decided to wait until his birthday came around to tell him and that day was today.

The wonderful news that she was pregnant.

And he would not only be a captain but a father at that.

She started having symptoms about a month ago and when she told Vanessa about it she told Noelle to come with her as she might have a big idea as to what's the cause.Before all that of course she informed her ash-blonde haired husband that she would be out for a while as he nodded and kissed her always making sure to tell her to stay safe which she would always reply with I'm a strong knight not a fearful princess and then headed off with Vanessa.


Noelle: " A-are you sure this could be it" She said with shaking hands as she held the pregnancy test that Vanessa bought her at a store in the capitol.

Vanessa: "If the symptoms are what you say they are then they all relate to it dear,there's only one way to find out".

Noelle nodded as she headed to the nearest restroom and with a deep breath started the process.

Meanwhile Vanessa was waiting outside,she knew if the problems Noelle was having was true in detail then it all just had to be because she was....she'll have to wait and find out.

Still she smiled at what could be as she remembered being there the night Noelle confessed to Asta about how she truly feels,sure she was crouching behind a bush as they were completely unaware she was even there in the first place but it still counts.

But when she saw Asta embrace Noelle in a hug and saying the special words back at her while a look of pure joy was on the royals face as she hugged and kissed him,Vanessa smiled with tears as she knew Noelle was always hurting inside and knows Asta will take of her just like he always had.

She was brought back to reality when she heard footsteps approaching her and saw Noelle but she was crying with a smile on as Vanessa simply smiled and walked towards her.

Vanessa: "I don't think I even need an answer" She walked towards her.

Noelle: "C-can I *sniff* still say it" She said as she hugged her favorite senior.

Vanessa: "Of course you can" She began slightly crying with her for the joyous surprise.

Noelle: "I'm pregnant"


That was just one of the many memories Noelle would cherish with her family and later on that day she made sure to not tell Asta yet as she wanted it to be just as special when he finds out.

Now was the day however as in her mind what better way to surprise him then on his special day.

It was like any other morning,she  wouldn't have it any other way though,waking up having herself wrapped around her husband's arms she gave Asta a quick kiss as he was still asleep and carefully got out of bed to head downstairs to see the others.

Everyone knew it was Asta's birthday including some from other squads such as Leo,Mimosa,Klaus,Sol(Magna's wife) Letoille(Klaus' wife),Fragil(Leo's wife cause why not), and many more even Mars would join in the festivities with Fana although unfortunately they couldn't come over as they had too much to do this year as they were the new King and Queen of the diamond kingdom.Yuno also wouldn't be able to make it but promised Asta that when he had the day off as Spade king they would hang out like old times.

Noelle and the black bulls quickly took turns making their own special breakfast plates for Asta,some good and others just looking like a mess but they knew Asta wouldn't care as with his big appetite he would surely eat everything and still look like Hercules.

Black Clover Asta x Noelle Oneshots(requests)Where stories live. Discover now