Requests and Information

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Here you can request things for me to draw! I can not guarantee I will draw every request, but I will try my absolute best!

What I won't draw::
smut (I am willing to draw like— making out shit or suggestive things but I won't draw anything with like,,, visible genitalia and whatnot)

Incest or pedophilia (I honestly view every country regardless of how long they've existed as being adults at some point, only exceptions being when they're like, kids. It's hard to explain. What I mean is if you say like 'draw belarusxsweden (idfk first thing to come to my mind)' I'll ONLY draw both as adults or both as kids, not one as adult and other as a kid. I'll only draw suggestive things if both are adults :,)!! I'm cool with drawing like two kiddo country's fluff like hand holding and shit)
examples of what I consider incest: america x Britain, ussr x Russia, etc. the first thing I might draw may be a small family tree just to show that sort of thing cause why not lol

Rape cause euck. I'm okay with drawing things like forced relationships or non consensual kissing but no smutty things :(

What I am willing to draw:
Literally anything not listed above lol. Just ask if you're unsure

Ships i love:
I guarantee I'll draw any requests with these ships involved just cause I love em. The genders r added and will be my default if gender is not specified with your request

Third Reich x USSR (mxm)

USSR x UK/Britain (mxm)

Germany x Russia (note: When I ship TR X USSR Germany and Russia are their sons, but in alternate scenarios when idk USSR is with Britain I allow Germany x Russia) (mxm)

Third Reich x USSR x UK/Britain (😳) (mxmxm)

France x Germany (fxm or fxf)

America x Russia (Ik this ship is super overrated so if I get a lot of requests for this ship I may not do em all) (mxm)

Canada x Russia let's go cold gang 😌 (mxm)

My brotp/ platonic ships lol:

Canada + America (+Mexico)

France + Britain

Germany + Poland

AND YEAH THAT IS ABOUT IT! Request away you hooligans

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