FAMILY +headcannons!

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It's big ole family, not even counting the babies ✨SOON TO EXIST✨

So despite the USSR not existing anywhere near American colonial time uh, I headcannon that America and Canada are born first (as twins) and then a wee bit (a long bit) later, Russia is born but like, funky Soviet controlled flag design then it becomes like Russia Russia? I don't know how to explain it I'm not smart at history (or anything for that matter) so I probably make no sense. Then uh a wee wee (lol) bit later, the O T H E R Soviet controlled territories, all 14, are born woo hoo.

So. They have 17 kids. I normally view Australia and New Zealand as Britain's siblings or like cousins or something.

Anyways, then britain and Soviet get old and crusty and all their kids fight them half to death for independence it's really sweet honestly.

Anyways, how the kids are born, I have no idea that's up to you to decide. Are they adopted, or do they just spawn into existence? Yeah, those are the only possible ways, thank god 🙂.

Anyways Canada is generally the soft n compassionate type. He loves both his dads, and especially likes hanging out with Soviet and doing snow-related activities. Canada is typically assumed to be older than America, despite being the same age; he's just more mature.

America is loud and mean and a bit of a spoiled brat. He hated britain the absolute most during his childhood (which made britain obviously upset, more of the motherly 'why does my son hate me :(' upset.) and once he was older he started hating Soviet too (*cough* Cold War time 😎)

Russia is just Russia. He's super chill and relaxed, with little to say about anything, just think emo man.

Britain is like big momma man. He is overly protective of his kids and will go full Karen mode if the success of his children is tested. He's overly affectionate in the annoying mom way, and gets super emotional if one of his kids gets frustrated with him. He cries a lot to Soviet when that happens, assuming he's parenting wrong.

Soviet is big strong manly dad figure. He literally calls all his kids comrade in place of 'sport' or 'champ.' He is supportive of his kids for the most part, but can be stubborn at times if one of his kids is disobedient or rebellious.

Ok I'll shut up now here's art

Ok I'll shut up now here's art

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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