sovibrit (art+headcannons)

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top: Soviet (naturally)
bottom: britain

Before falling in love with britain, Soviet was a very reserved and tough guy, rarely showing emotions. But, when they started dating, Soviet grew softer and gentler due to Britain's soft side rubbing off on him. (That was initially how Russia found out their secret; he noted that his dad was acting weird)

They love cuddling beside a fireplace, covered in blankets. Britain loves using Soviet as a big ol pillow since he is quite shorter than him.

Britain is exceptional at piano, and Soviet envies it quite a bit, since his fingers are quite shaky compared to the Brit's. Instead, britain agrees to play piano and Soviet gets to sing (yes, the man has a very nice voice)

Soviet is highly protective of Britain; if anyone dare makes him upset, he would probably kill them.

Soviet is highly protective of Britain; if anyone dare makes him upset, he would probably kill them

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anyways here's a lil doodle I made of Soviet comforting sad Britain. I haven't drawn in a hot minute so it's nothing special, sorry qwq

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