Chapter 3

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Lynn woke up and looked around. She flinched when she noticed a man in the chair by her bed. "Easy, I'm North," North said softly. "Do you remember me?"
"Erica said you are one of her adoptive sons," Lynn whispered and North nodded.

He could tell she wanted to ask him something but wasn't sure about it. "What?" he finally just asked.

"Why are you here?" she barely whispered. Then she flinched and looked down at her hands, "I'm sorry that was rude of me."

"No it wasn't," he shook his head. "Actually, Erica got called out, so she asked me to keep an eye on the baby in case she woke. Erica said you needed the sleep, so I've been watching TV in case she woke but she hasn't." He partially lied, Erica did get called out but he was also there for protection but he wasn't going to tell her that. "Max ended up taking a nap also."

Lynn looked down and sure enough Max was by her feet sleeping but he was facing toward the baby. She smiled softly then looked back down at her hands. North wanted to grab her face and make her look at him but he knew he had to tread carefully with her.

Just then the baby started to fuss. "I will get her, calm down Max," North chuckled as Max started whining. "Hi there," North cooed as he gently picked up the crying baby girl. She stopped and looked at him in awe. "Hi there," he said softly as he moved over to the bed.

Lynn smiled softly as North sat beside her. "Hi Love," Lynn said softly.

"Hey North," a man said walking into the room. Lynn instantly tensed up and North put a hand on her thigh. "Sorry, I'm Corey," he said sheepishly.
"Corey is one of my brothers," North said and she barely nodded. "Did you need something Corey?"

"Oh yeah, Erica said you might need a break so she wanted me and Raven to come check on you," Corey said as a dark tall man came up to Corey. Lynn tensed up again and tried to hide somewhat behind North. "This is Raven, I think we might need to write you a list."

She peeked up from beside North and they waved slightly.
"Hi Kitten," Raven growled and North rolled his eyes.

"Knock it off Crow," North growled.

"Net South," Raven growled.

Lynn pulled on North's short sleeve and he turned to look at her, "Yes?" he asked softly.

"Um," She glanced down at Max who had moved and put his head in her lap. "I thought your name was North and his was Raven."
"They are," Corey said laughing slightly. "They have a love hate relationship. They get a kick out of calling each other wrong names."

She tugged on North's sleeve again, "Yes?" he asked softly.
"What language was he speaking?" She whispered.

"Russian," North said pushing her hair out of her face and smiling when she didn't pull away. "He speaks Russian and Silas and I speak Greek and Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green speak Japanese."

She looked up at him shocked, "Wow," and North smiled softly at her.

The baby started crying again and North started gently bouncing her. "Have you figured out a name yet?" he asked her and she nodded.
"I want to name her Kyree Naminé," she said softly.

"Off of Kingdom Hearts?" Corey asked and she looked up shocked.

"You know Kingdom Hearts?" she asked and Corey nodded.

"I love video games," he smiled and she briefly smiled.

"I use to play it a long time ago," she whispered as she took the fussing baby from North. "Hey there Love, are you getting hungry?"

"On that cue, we will step out to give you privacy," North said standing. "Max will stay in here with you but we will be right outside."

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" She asked and they shook their heads.
"Net Kitten, we stay," Raven smirked at her.

"Stop Raven," Corey said shaking his head. "She may not be comfortable with nicknames yet."

"Here is my phone," North said handing it to her. "Text Corey when you are done and we will come back in and visit more, we having nothing else to do and you are more interesting than sitting around bored." She smiled up at him softly and he tapped her nose. She started to giggle then winced. "Sorry," he said looking hurt, she smiled at him and they stepped out of the room.

"What do you think?" North asked as they leaned against the wall.

"She's beautiful," Corey whispered and Raven nodded.

"She ours," Raven said.

"Not yet," North said shaking his head. "She has obviously been abused and we still don't even know who the fucker is. She is terrified and will need to learn to trust all of us."

"Worth it," Raven said as Erica started walking toward them.

"We got trouble," She said once she reached them.

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