Chapter 16

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A couple of days later there was a knock on the front door and Axel went to go answer it, "Is Miss Williams here?" a gentleman asked. "I have something she needs to sign for."

"You have the wrong address," Axel said faking looking confused. Willow looked at Owen in confusion, no one besides Erica knew that she was living with them. "There's no one here that has that name."

"Oh, I'm sorry," the gentleman said with agitation in his voice. "I was given this address for the delivery."
Luke snuck out the back and took photographs of the car and license plate since the man was in a regular car and not a big name delivery truck like Amazon, Fed, Ex, UPS, and such. He sent them to Victor and Corey who were already on their laptops ready to investigate.

"Given by who?" Axel asked while trying to find a badge or something with this guy's name.

"I'm not at liberty to say," the guy said trying to keep up his persona but Axel saw right through him. "If Miss Williams isn't living here can you give me the correct address then?"

"I'm not at liberty to give out that information without consent," Axel smirked. The man glared then stormed off. Axel shut the door and came back into the kitchen.

"Who was that?" Willow asked, "no one knows that I am here."

"He's a private investigator," Corey said coming in with his laptop. "He's not a very reputable one but he can be ruthless at times."

"Does that mean you think Tyler is up to something?" Willow asked scared.

"It is a possibility," Kota said as he placed Kyree in the swing in the living room. Max immediately laid down in front of the swing and watched it swing slightly.

"If all he wants is money then I will gladly give him everything if it means him leaving us alone," She sighed and frowned while staring at her cup of hot chocolate.

"Unfortunately, that won't work Princess," Victor said as he sat beside her with his cup of coffee. "Assholes like that crave power and control. What he really wants is to keep controlling you. Sure he wants your money and in order to have your money he needs you, he really just thrives on controlling every aspect of you."

"So do you think he will try for custody of Kyree?" She asked scared, "So he will always be in my life?"

"He may," Owen nodded. "For now I think it is best if you do not leave the house."

"I don't want to anyway," She shook her head softly. "Knowing him, he will try and take us."

"He try he die," Raven growled as he came into the room. "I kill now?"

"No Raven," Axel shook his head and Raven growled then huffed in annoyance. She had to force herself not to smile at it.

"I hate to ask but I really must," Sean asked as he plopped down at the table. "Pookie, I really hate asking but I have to know."

"What?" She asked scared.

"Two questions," Sean said and she nodded. "One, is he her biological father?" She nodded and looked down at the table. "Is she a love baby?"

"Doc!" everyone shouted making her flinch.
"That is not necessary Dr. Green," Owen scolded.

"No," She barely whispered and the room went deadly silent.

"Baby," North barely whispered as they saw a tear drip onto the table.

"I know she's a constant reminder but she is my miracle," She whispered. "I have severe endometriosis and fibromyalgia so I was told it was impossible for me to have children. She is my miracle no matter how I got her. I know I am tainted and ruined forever—"

"Wrong Kitten," Raven slammed his cup down making her jump.

"Stop Raven," Corey said putting his hand on Raven's arm. "You scared her."

"Look at me Angelos Mou," Silas said kneeling down in front of her. He gently pushed her dark chocolate hair back unmasking her face. He gently put his finger under her chin and lifted her face so she had to look at him. Those chocolate eyes were filled with so much pain and fear he wanted to kiss them away. "You are not ruined or tainted. Yes something bad happened to you but like you said, you gained a miracle out of it. He did not ruin or taint you. One day you will believe in love again and when you the person or persons you give that gift to will cherish it with all their heart."

"Persons?" She asked nervously. "Like poly?"

"Yes, Darling," Owen nodded. "All of us believe in polyamorous relationships."

"Do you have someone?" she whispered. "Does she know I am temporarily staying here? Do I need to start looking—"

"Stop Beautiful," Marc shook his head. "We currently do not have a girl. We did have someone at one time but she really only wanted Mr. B and tried to pin us against one another to tear us apart so she could have him all to herself."

"That's wrong," She frowned. "You are family, if she didn't want all of you she should have just left. It's clear to see it's all of you or none of you."

"Glad you understand Cupcake," Luke smiled.

"Anyway Doll," Axel smirked, "don't worry about looking for a new place, you are staying here."

"But what if you find someone? That would be really awkward," she looked at him confused.

"We aren't looking for anyone so it won't be an issue Baby" North smirked.

"If you say so," She briefly nodded. "But if you do let me know immediately, I won't stand in your way of happiness, understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," they chuckled.

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