Chapter 24

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"Oh what is the matter?" Willow asked as Kyree started fussing. She picked her up and held her close. She frowned, she was burning up. "Sean?" She asked as she left the room where she was working on the new book.

"He's not here, Babe," Brandon said pausing the video game. "What's wrong?"
"She's burning up Brandon," She said holding Kyree close to her chest. "She was fine when she fell asleep but now she's burning up. She shouldn't be this hot. Something is wrong, I just know it."

"Okay," he nodded. "I'll call Doc and he will see if Dr. Roberts is busy, okay? Why don't you go make sure the bag is ready so we can head that way? I'm sure Doc will see her if Dr. Roberts is busy."

"She's too young to be teething, so it has to be something serious," She pouted as Brandon pulled her into a hug.

"It will be okay, Babe," He said, "We will get it figured out, but right now I need you to go make sure the bag is ready, okay?"

"What's wrong?" Victor asked as he and Gabe walked into the house with North and Raven right behind.

"Something is wrong with Baby Bird," Brandon said while trying to keep Willow calm. "She has a fever all of a sudden so we need to get ahold of Doc and Dr. Roberts and get her seen."

"The flu is going around," Victor said.

"Doc said so is RSV," Kota said as he hung up the phone. "Both of them are available so let's get going."

"I'll go get the bag," Gabe said rushing up the stairs once he realized Willow wasn't in the right frame of mind to focus on that.

"I'll let everyone else know what is going on," North said as he began typing on his phone.

They made it to the hospital and found both Sean and Dr. Roberts waiting on them. The rest of the team soon met up with them. "So she was fine when she went down for a nap?" Dr. Roberts asked and Willow nodded. "Okay, let's run a flu test and see if we can rule that out. How are you feeling Momma? You look a little under the weather as well and feel a little warm," he said putting his hand to her forehead.

"I'm just in a fibro flare up, that's all," She shook her head making him move his hand away from her. "I'm more worried about her."

"Pookie, why didn't you tell us you were in a flare up, we could have been making sure you were resting more," Sean said frowning.

"I didn't want to bother you, you all are so busy," She said looking at the ground to try and keep her balance. "I am fine, it will eventually pass."

"Is that why you have been resting more since yesterday?" Kota asked and she nodded. "You should have said something, we would gladly help you."

"You should have a test done as well, just to rule it out, since you are nursing you are already making extra antibodies for her so we don't want you coming down with something," Sean said standing up. "Pookie you definitely have a fever, are you sure you are just in a flare up?"

"I have to be, I can't be sick," She whispered as she held Kyree close to her. "She needs me."

"She needs you to be okay, Baby," North said as he picked her up and sat her in his lap. "Both of you need to be okay, so let's find out what's wrong with both of you."

"From now on you need to tell us when you don't feel right so we can help you get better, okay?" Sean asked as he did the flu test on Willow while Dr. Roberts got Kyree.

After a while they came back, "Well it looks like the both of you have the flu, so plenty of bedrest and fluids for you," Dr. Roberts said. "I know it can be scary with Kyree being so little but as long as you keep nursing she will be fine, your body makes what she needs. You need plenty of rest and fluids, Momma. Let these men take care of you, okay?"
"Okay," She whispered. "Thank you Dr. Roberts."

"Come on Baby, let's get the both of you home and in bed," North said as he picked them up.

"Keep me updated," Sean said and they nodded.

Once they were home North put them to Willow's bed. "Try and get some sleep Baby, we will come check on you in a little bit and if Kyree wakes up while you sleep we will take care of her."

"Okay," She whispered as she slowly drifted off the sleep as he ran his fingers through her hair.

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