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{after school}

My mother died last year, so it's cold in the house even when my father is present, which he isn't...mentally. He just sits on the couch watching old classic movies as if there are no other important things in the world that STILL exist; it's been 12 years since he's been intimately loved, and with his crunchy beard, dad bod, and platted shirt, I don't think he'll find someone to be with any time soon.

To be honest, is it wrong for me to say I don't miss my mother? I mean, she is my mother, but....the amount of abuse that ruined the family while she was still alive is depressing, and even how she died well...

Moving on At school there's nobody who likes me, I know this because I sit in all of my classes and watch how boys who like girls act when they like a girl...it's hard to tell if they actually like the girls or not with their non-visual emotion faces...ugh, that's how the majority of boys grew up or became.

But my neighbor across the street is pretty hot; he used to tutor me when I was homeschooled; he was in his teens when he tutored me, so he's not that old; you know, sometimes I think about him at night to escape reality; maybe if I were his age, we'd fall in love because we have so much in common.

(The doorbell rings, but we don't have a visitors in February.)

"Why don't you go and answer the f-king door,you i'v been working a lot, I shouldn't be moving this much"said Mae's father.

Mae "OK, Dad," she says simply. "UGH," she says quietly.

I dashed down the steep steps and opened the door to discover "MIKE!" I gasped, and a large amount of air passed down my throat. I choked on fricking air...in front of a hot guy, not just any guy!

Mike "Are you okay, I'm sorry if I startled you," he says as he pats Mae on the back for comfort.

"No, no, it's my fault, I usually don't get visitors...even from school,"I said with a nervous laughter,and my vocals had to add a little spice by sounding like a chipmunk.

Mike "umm haha what kind of laugh did I-"

Mae: "Oh my laugh...oh yeah, I usually don't laugh like this or act like this."

Mike "Ohhhh k, is there anything else you don't usually do?" with laughter at the end (oh my, how can someone look this hot, just look at his smile) Surely, my padussy will be misbehaving wherever he goes... "hmmmm," she sighs.

Mike "what are you sighing about"

Mae "you heard that ?"

Mike "I mean yea...that was a pretty considerable noise coming from you

(I know he's lying...oh no, what if this hot tall dark brown hair and green eyes hit man can hear my thoughts)

Mae "quick question... ca- ...can you umm mm...umm"

Mike "umm what" with a little laugh at the end of his sentence

(Oh no, this man needs to stop making me throb in my underwear...oh no, my THOUGHTS)

Mae's father "MAEEE, why are you taking so damn long to shut my door and who the hell is at the door because if it ain't the president of the United States of America, I dam sure have the right to kick them off my porch."

"I'm so sorry you have to leave," Mae says.

Mike "Wait a minute, I had a question for you as well."

Mae "Can that wait until school?" Mae asks.

Mae's father "Maeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Just meet at the cafeteria tomorrow, okay?" Mae says.
My father came up to the door before I could even close it, and there he met Mike.

Mae's "and who the hell are you son"

Mike "well I'm Mike,...Mike Nicholson pleasure to meet you sir"
(Oh no from his red tomato face I knew he felt like it as the end of the world for him)

Mae's Dad "well mike I'm Rod,Rod Harrison and what the hell brings you here" with a stare down on his face he knows no one could commit a lie to his face.

Mike "well Mr....umm" he gulped doesn't his spit "I just wanted to ask your daughter for her to be my valentine?"

Rod "mike I heard about you"

Mike "yeah?"

Rod "yeah to be honest you are a good football player "

(wait is my dad really liking this boy or is it just a count-down for a jump scare)
Rod grabbed the red door handle"but you better run because my daughter is off limits until she learns how to take care of herself
...you got that"

Mike "oh...I-"

I looked up  toward my father, he glanced back at me

Rod "Mae get your grimy night robe self back inside

I got so red and angry at him like for what reason would you need to humiliate me like that , before I head in I checked out mike then my father then, at that point I headed inside and dodged between the space of my father and the aired out entryway and turn back around to sign language to mike for him to meet me at lunch.

I knew he knows sign-language since we take similar classes together. He looked at me and tilted his head then smirked at me, what the heck is going on with this guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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