15| Private Lessons

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It's been two months since Morgan's arrival and every day I look into her eyes and I see that spark that lit her face up that first day in the forest being washed away further and further out of reach. I don't know if she even notices the changes inside of herself, she's turned into a darker version of herself but more than that she's losing her chance at being a witch. Any longer and she will never get that spark of magic.

Annie tells me to be patient and that she believes that Morgan will come around and find the magic inside herself but I see the truth. She doesn't even know if she wants this and she needs a push towards it if she's ever going to take it.

I've watched her every afternoon with Hunt. Building her confidence and strength she's almost at level with the younger kids but she's still not there because she's holding back against herself, she would be stronger if she allowed the magic to flow through her bones and help her but she pushes against it.

A shudder of worry fills me every time I watch her practice. If she can't get control of her magic she can't stay here. Even if Annie wants her to, she can't. It's too dangerous.

That thought is what brought me out of my cottage early Saturday morning. I know it's the only day Morgan doesn't have training and that she normally spends it locked in her room away from the other students. Not today, I can't let her lose her spark, her magic.

I knock on the door in quick succession. Then I wait.

Breathing deeply, waiting.

I can hear her inside, walking on slow feet, practically dragging herself to the door. An annoyed mutter before the door swings open and my breathing leaves me complete.

Standing there looking like the definition of disheveled is Morgan. Her hair is up in a tight high ponytail but there are strands flying out everywhere and it's clear that I woke her up. Mostly because of the dark green pajama shorts she's wearing and the matching button-up sleep shirt.

My breathing stops as she glares at me.

"It's Saturday, I don't have any classes, Annie isn't here and I am going back to sleep." Her words are monotone, as she talks she takes a step back inside about to close the door. I stick my foot out quickly, stopping the door from slamming in my face.

Morgan pulls it open again, the glare colder than before.

"You're wrong." My voice practically disappears in the wind. I clear my throat and try again. "You're wrong, you have a lesson with me."

She rolls her eyes.

"No." She tries to slam the door again but I'm faster and my shock - at her being so ... well human - has worn off. I slip in the door barely touching her as I wait behind her. She slams the door but I know she knows I'm there. She leans her head on the door and groans.

"Come on, man. I've been pushed and pulled everywhere all week. I just want the weekend so I can relax." Her emotions are high, I can almost taste them. I shake my head.

"What you need, Witch is your magic," I tell her, I listen as her heart thumps wilder at the idea, and then she's turning slowly, her back firmly against the door as she looks up at me.

"What do you mean?" Her voice is apprehensive but I shrug my shoulders.

"Go get dressed and find out." We stand there for a moment, me waiting and her thinking trying to see past me and see if I'm lying. I keep my face neutral.

"Fine." Her voice is low as she walks around me and into the back room. I don't know what to do as I wait so I stand perfectly still, trying not to think of her in the next room.

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