23| School Assemblies

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The already silent room went cold as Nathaniel and I walked in, every single pair of eyes turned to us

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The already silent room went cold as Nathaniel and I walked in, every single pair of eyes turned to us. I could feel that everyone inside had held their breath as the door slammed behind us. Fear was evident in every single pair of eyes I met and I felt sick as I walked through the rows of chairs as if I had done something wrong.

I get to the front seats of the auditorium when a hand stops me in my tracks, a small hand belonging to Ethan who moved in front of me with his head down. A sad expression on his face.

I feel Nathaniel slightly tense from behind me and subconsciously I move ever so slightly to feel his arm against my back. My heart slows down and I watch Ethan waiting.

"Thank you." He blurts out loudly in the silent room, my face turning slightly red but I don't look away from the boys. "I never should have followed Cedric and Lucian out last night and I know now that I would have been killed in seconds if it wasn't for you. So thank you."

Even more embarrassing after his speech Ethan gave a little bow and then scurried away before I could say anything. I turned to Nathaniel slightly confused but he didn't notice his eyes were glaring at Ethan.

"Come on." He motioned me forward more into the row until I found a seat. He waited for me to sit before turning on his heel and walking to the other teachers standing on the podium. I took it as a good sign that all of them were standing there, even though Mrs Valentine was currently watching me with a hard expression on her face.

I looked away from the small stage and looked around the room instead. I was looking for Cedric and Lucian because my guess from last night was they were the two wolves who saved both Ethan and me but they were nowhere to be seen in the crowded room. Unfortunately, my looking around caught the attention of someone else, Mila came glaring down the stairs towards me.

I give a silent sigh as I wait for her, making no move to turn away just watching her descent towards me.

She sends a horrible smile in return.

"I'm surprised to see you here," Mila says taking a stand right behind my seat, her normal followers sitting a couple of rows behind us, ignoring Mila just like she's ignoring them, interesting.

"It's a whole school assembly why wouldn't I be here?" I give her a sarcastic tone which she just rolls her eyes at.

"Well, last night you got your first taste of the supernatural world and how dangerous it is. Not to mention a little bird told me that you went down there, got so scared that Nathaniel had to drag your unconscious body away."

She gives a little laugh at my expense but I give her an unamused one back.

"You obviously have no idea what you're talking about." I turn back to the front, choosing to ignore her as I see movement by the stage.

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