الحلقة العشرون

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One Night's Dream

الحلقة العشرون

بيليبر:"وشها اتقلب"

ليلى:فى ايه ؟

"جاستن قام و شد هايلى جامد من ايدها و وقف يكلمها على جنب .. و كان واضح انه بيتخانق معاها.."

"سكوتر .. ريان و فريدو مش فاهمين حاجة..."

"بيليبر و ليلى قعدوا يتكلموا ب صوت واطى..."

ليلى: فى ايه يا بنتى قلقتينى مال وشك مقلوب كده لييييه!!؟

بيليبر:انتى عارفة الكتاب اللى بيتكلموا عنه ده ايه ؟؟

ليلى:لأ ماله يعنى

بيليبر:دى مذكراتى ... كتاب مذكراتى اللى كان ضايع يوم ما رجعت من ال ستوديو

ليلى:طب و وقعت فى ايد جاستن ازاى

بيليبر:معرفش !!

انا حتى لو حبيت اخد موقف منه اخده ازاى !!!

ده انا كل حاجة عنى .. كل حاجة بجد مش سارة و بتاع... مكتوبة جواها ... من زمان من قبل ما اجى هنا ب سنين !

ليلى:خبر اسود ! طب و بعدين 

بيليبر:معرفش , بس عشان متكشفش هعمل نفسى مضايقة من الموضوع الأساسى..انه معاه المذكرات !

"بيليبر خدت شنطتها و مشيت و معاها ليلى..."

Justin:are you crazy ?

Hailey:what!!? isn't it the truth,you have the book

Justin:and I told you to keep it as a secret !

you know I wouldn't do anything wrong with it

I just wanted to know everything about her  and what she thinks about me !

Hailey:only god knows what you wanna do with it

Justin:oh really ?

Hailey:sorry Justin but you can't control your feelings,you never managed to do that

everyday you fall in love with a girl, go out with her some time ,have dinner anywhere,some photos posted online,social media talks about it and done!

Justin:is this how you see me Hailey ? I thought you were close enough to know real me !

who told you I fall in love with a girl everyday ?!

maybe that's because I have a lot of girls as friends around me!

not girlfriends! there's a big difference

Hailey:I'm sorry Justin,I don't know how I said this but...I only did that because I wanted to protect her 

Justin:from me... right ?

Hailey:me and Sarah...we both are girls, and I know how a girl feels when she's broken,I don't wanna see her broken

and I also don't wanna see you broken too,you're my best friend Justin!

Justin:right,I see...

okay,now  give me the book,it was my fault to keep it here !

One Night's Dream "Belieber's Diary Part 2"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن