Love Letter to my Body

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Dear Body

I apologize for actually mistreating you when you needed me the most. You endured so much criticism, judgment and insults throughout your lifetime. There were those times when you carried so much weight due to all the melancholy, sadness, hatred, anger and bitterness thrown at you. I put you through tons of hurtful rubbish. I hated you so much to the fact that I wanted you to disappear from me in order to obtain peace and happiness. I projected my toxicity, hurt and pain on you to experience what I was feeling.

Yet, here you are, still standing. Here you are, glowing and flourishing. Busy adding that dazzle and sparkle and leaving it squeaky clean. Your wonderful energy breathes life into me and I love it. You survived those mean comments and remarks meant to erase that uniqueness planted in you. Those horrible seeds were orchestrated to remove that sparkle within you. And you killed them with positivity and grace. You cried tears of sadness, however you brighten my day with your beautiful presence. Those scars and stretch marks represent the wonderful writings of your natural essence. I want to thank you for being you. I am so grateful to you for having my back. Stay brightening and shining.

Yours truly
Itebo Nkolz

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