DABABY KISSED OBAMA THEN OBAMA PINNED THE BABY TO THE GROUND AND STARTED KISSING HIM ALL OVER A FEW YEARS LATER THEY FINALLY HAD A BABY FROM EATING TOO MUCH AND SLEEPING TOO MUCH SO THEY DECIDED TO SELL THE BABY TO MAKE MORE MUSIC THEN SUDDENLY LIL NAS X WANTED TO MAKE A BABY WITH THEM ASWELL SO THEY HAD A THREESOME AND OBAMA HAD A BABY SUDDENLY THERE WAS A FROG THAT CAN TALK AND DABABY THOUGHT IT WAS A PRINCE SO HE KISSED IT FOR A FEW WEEKS AND THE FROG ENDED UP PREGNANT AND SOON ENOUGH THE FROG GAVE BIRTH TO 7423725708064370678056378657807085607589607956347907507856807956078960578975678905678906578906590098756789026578906589075607089567890567809560789569090768789056709856789056789056789065800795670895607895607825607895607856725687957285678256789578957986007985607589627890678975695978956785678969579276987567986765787856997805679820567809650782657862705678025678567867857827895678917896157896789578957897849785967856789653089764706789068797849 BABIES BUT DECIDED TO KEEP THEM UNLIKE SOME OTHER SUSSY PERSON OVER THERE HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
i hate frogs they can die pls die im going to stomp on you until your eyes gauge out and your guts spread all over the place and your blood will go all over my shoes i hope you get eaten by a fucking snail and the snail will get eaten by a dolphin and the dolphin will get eaten by a shark and the shark will get eaten by dababy and dababy will get eaten by THE BABY i hate frogs to death and i will get some kind of weapon and feed them to this child called timmie and his stupid pigeons and feed him to his DEAD DAD CAUSE HE UGLY ASF like his momma ugly and his father ugly anyways after the frog gave birth da baby went to check up on the frog every day until his stomach exploded RAWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR anyways i hate frogs so fucking mutch they can d word for all i care i'll feed them a poisonus or idk the spelling fly and nfeed them to assdaha