𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭

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𝗔𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱

"Ugh! What happened?"

You groaned and sat up, eyeing the place around you. You were in what looked like an alleyway or something, "Hm? Wasn't it evening? WAIT! My Mochi!" You looked around for the paper bag with panic until you found it a few feet away from you. Standing up quickly, you launched at the back and wrapped your arms around it, "My mochi! Oh I thought I lost you!" After a short while of hugging the bag, you calmed down and pulled out your phone to check the time, "That's strange." You hidden eyebrow raised in suspicion.

7:30 P.M.

"Seven in the evening? But it seems it's like noon or something like. Is my phone broken?" You put the device in your pocket and left the alleyway only to be surprised at the sight of the old fashioned building and giant naked people walking around, "Just what is this place?"

A Few Hours Prior:-
"Sensei! Are you going somewhere?"

Your student, Yuji, asked you. You nodded your head, "Yes, I have a mission." You answered him, pushing your white hair away, "I'm going to retrieve a cursed object, those higher ups are really cowards to do it themselves." She said, mumbling the last part to herself. "Is it going to take long?" He asked again and you chuckled, "I will be back by sunset."

"Be careful sensei."

"Don't worry Yuji kun, I will be okay. Alright, I must go. Bye bye!"

With that, you left to do your mission, "Maybe I will buy some Mochi in the way."

Time Skip:-
You stood in the middle of the dead curses, boredom writing on her face. A small box that contains the cursed object was in your hand, "That's just too easy. Anyway, what's this cursed object?" You questioned, about to open the box.

Even though the higher ups told you not to open the box, you were pretty curious about what's inside. They didn't tell you what is this cursed object and what can it do, so you were going to see it with your own blindfolded eyes. Just as you opened it, a strong light emerged from it, blinding you completely.

That was the last thing you remembered before blacking out.

Present Time:-
You walked around the abandoned town, avoiding the giants as best as you could. Not because you were afraid, no no. You were just lazy that's all.

"It must be the doing of the cursed object. For once I regret not listening to them." You sighed while walking with your hands in your pockets and the bag hanging on your wrist. You noticed some blood stains here and there, bones and other unimaginable things. The place has no humans at all, only those giants. "Those things aren't curses, there's no cursed energy coming from them. Are they humans?" You thought, sighing after that.

*Thump. Thump. Thump.*

Your head snapped up to see one of those giant people that looked 6 meters height making its way toward you. Sighing deeply, you stood there like nothing is happening, "Here comes troubles." You mumbled, mentally preparing yourself for the fight. The giant swang its hand to grab you, but you quickly jumped high up, activating your Infinity in process just im case, "Let's see how tough are you, buddy." You swiftly swang your leg at its head, sending it crushing to the building. You gracefully landed down, "Not that strong after all." You smirked.



You turned around and saw people wearing uniforms looked at you with shock which made you tilt your head... "Who are those people?"

They approached you, being a bit cautious with you. A woman with messy brown hair held in ponytail jumped in front of you, "Who are you? How did you jump that high without 3DMG? How did you kick that titan like that?..." The woman kept on showering you with questions which made you confused. You shook your head to focus more, "What?"

"Stop that, Hange."

A male with a short black hair and strict face spoke up, pulling the woman away from you. You mentally thanked him, he was a lot like Nanami. Another man walked toward you, he had a nicely done blond hair and blue eyes. What caught your attention was his thick eyebrows that you almost burst in laughter. "I apologize for her behavior. I'm Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps. We saw everything and we would like to ask you some questions." He calmly said with politeness wrapped around his words. You shrugged your shoulders, "Well, name's Gojo Y/N. I'm the strongest jujutsu sorcerer and teacher, it's nice to meet you Erwin san." You introduced yourself to him.

"Juju- What?" He asked with confusion.

Before you could answer, one of those guys spoke up, "The titan is standing up!" You smirked, "Titan, huh? Show off time~" You thought as you saw the black haired male get ready for kill it, "Please, let me deal with it." You confidently said which pissee him off. You made your way to the woman known as Hange and gave her the paper bag, "Please hold this for me." She took and curiously looked inside, "What's inside?"

"Ah, it's Sakura Mochi. A beautiful treat you can ever ha--"

Before you could finish your sentence, the titan slammed its hand down at you while the Survey Corps launched themselves to the rooftops, "Is she...?" Hange asked, while trying to look for you. Levi tsk-ed, "I will kill it." He was about to leave when suddenly.

"Look up on the titan's head!"

They all looked up to the titan's head and gasped as they saw your white hair swaying in the wind, "Impossible, how did she...?" Erwin awed as he stared at you standing casually on the monster's head. "I hate being interrupted, you know. You must die." You clench your fist as red energy surrounded it. You jumped up and prepared your fist to attack, "Black Flash!" Your fist connected with its head, crushing it completely and causing explosion. You usee this opportunity to teleport to where Erwin and his friends were and that startled them, "Man, that was fun." You said, being your silly self.

The Survey Corps kept on just staring at you as you giggled like a high school girl. Erwin however got something else in his mind, "She can help us exterminate the titans. She might be our last help."


Author Note:-
Hi everyone, here's the first chapter of this story. What do you think up to know?

𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 [ON HOLD UNTIL THE FINAL PART]Where stories live. Discover now