𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 [+10K]

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A/N:- Hello everyone...
Here is a special chapter for you as a gift for making this book reach over 10K reads. It won't be related to the main story. It will take a place before the appearance of the Female Titan. It will be a Levi x Child Gojo Reader.

Thank you all for reading this book and supporting it😊.

Enjoy the chapter.

Gojo Kid

Levi stomped his way to your room, this time he was going to force you into a cleaning duty no matter what. He didn't spot you today so he assumed you were still asleep. When your room door was in his eye sight, he 'knocked' on it strongly, "Oi brat, wake up. You have cleaning to do." He said, crossing his arms and waiting for you.

No reply.

Levi started to get pissed off and knocked again, "Are you in there? If you don't open the door, I will break the it." Again, you didn't reply to him which made him more pissed off. The raven haired man grabbed the knob and strongly opened the door. He walked in, only to find your room empty, "Where is she?" He thought as he turned around and started to leave. Levi spent the rest of the noon time looking for you everywhere until...

"Oi, how did you get up there?"

"Please come down or you will hurt yourself."

Levi could hear Petra and Oluo talking to someone outside. Curiously, he walked outside to were his team members where, they were both looking up. His gaze followed to where they were looking only to spot a child with white hair and beautiful blue eyes standing on the roof of the building.

 His gaze followed to where they were looking only to spot a child with white hair and beautiful blue eyes standing on the roof of the building

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[Photo belongs to Jin-akhr]

"Why does this kid look like Y/N?" He thought while approaching the male and female, "Hey, what's going on?" He questioned which startled Petra and Oluo. They both turned around and saluted, "C-Captain, Y/N is up there and she wouldn't get down." Petra explained which made Levi raise an eyebrow suspiciously, "How did you know this is Y/N?" He asked again, crossing his arms. Oluo scratched the back of his head while sweatdropping, "We followed her behind the HQ and saw that she did something weird that made light come out of nowhere then there was a child in her place. We approached her and tried to talk to her, but she just escaped and now she is up there." At his explanation, Levi tsk-ed and looked up.

"Oi, Y/N..." The child looked down at him, "Get down immediately." He ordered, pointing a finger down as a sign of getting down. You tilted your head to the side... For some reason, you felt like you can trust him. You shrugged your shoulders and jumped down, gracefully landing on the ground with no harm. Both Petra and Oluo looked shocked that you actually listened to their captain and not them. They studied your outfit, it was a white hoodie with black shorts and shoes. They didn't know how you got them, but the clothes fitted your appearance.

You looked at Levi with grumpy look, "What do you want, old man?" You asked, putting your hands in your pockets. Levi's eyes twitched when he heard what you called him. You weren't your cheery anymore, you were just a grumpy child now. He sighed, "Come with me." He turned around and was about to leave, but he felt a tug in his pants. Levi looked back at you, "Pick me up." You said while raising your arms up for him to pick you while your cheeks were puffy with a small blush.

The man sighed and picked you up, "I will look after her, you both continue the cleaning."


Levi turned around and started to leave to his office to do paper work. Unbeknown to him that you were sticking your tongue out, mocking Petra and Oluo.


"I'm bored~"

You whined as you leaned on the couch in Levi's office. The said man looked at you for a brief moment then turned back to his work. You huffed and went to Levi, grabbing his arm, "Old man, let's do something fun." You said which made Levi sigh, "I have work to finish." You rolled your blue eyes and crossed your arms.

"You're boring. Adults are always boring."

Levi looked deadpanned as he stared at you. With a sigh, he stood up and grabbed your hand, "Let's go to the town and buy some stuff." For once, your eyes sparkled as you followed him. You both walked to the stable and Levi got his horse ready for the trip. He put you up first then he got up behind you, securing you from falling.

And with that, your trip started...

Time Skip:-
You stood beside Levi as he bought some cleaning supplies and that wasn't fun to you. You glanced up at him and saw him busy which was a good opportunity for you to sneak out and explore the town by yourself. You tiptoed out of the shop and started to walk around the market place. Some people eyed you with weird expressions while some either smiled or ignored you.

As you walked, you could hear a woman scream. You followed the sound and it was truly a woman that was being robbed by two men in an alleyway. You frowned, "Hey, let her go you freaks!" You spoke up which made both men look at you then laugh, "Go and find someone you play with, kid." One of them said which made you angry. You ran to them and jumped up, kicked the first one in the face and knocked him out. The other one attacked you, but you dodged it and punched him.

For once, you were grateful for your father's training in combat.

Both men were now out cold and the woman thanked you and left. You didn't know that Levi was watching with amazement the whole time, "For a kid, she is capable of combat." He thought as he gained his composure. He went to you, "Oi brat, what are you doing here?" He asked, pretending that he didn't see anything.

"Nothing, just got lost."

"Anyway, let's go. We have some more things to buy."

You nodded and followed after Levi.


Throughout the trip back to the HQ, you fell asleep and Levi was forced to take you to your room. He tucked you in your bed and was about to leave, but you grabbed his hand, "Please, stay..." You sleepily said. Levi went to protest, but he couldn't since you looked too cute to say no to.

He sighed, "Move aside." You did as he said and gave him some space. Unconsciously, you clinched to him for warmth which made Levi blush, "Good night, old man."

"Good night, brat." With that, you both fell asleep.

The next morning, Levi woke up first and the first thing he did was to look at you. A blush made its way to his cheeks as he saw your sleeping form, you were back to your adult self.

"What the hell?!"

He quickly jumped out of the bed and immediately walked out of the room while hiding his blushy face. He was thankful that you were still asleep... That's what he thought, but...

You smiled as you opened one eye, "Hehe, he blushes easily. Maybe I should try this technique more often." You chuckled as you sat up to start a new day.

𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 [ON HOLD UNTIL THE FINAL PART]Where stories live. Discover now