𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟮

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That Old Nightmare

Nobara and Levi were on the rooftop of a what appeared to be a warehouse where Armin and Jean were while Mikasa went to check on them. The kidnappers fell in the trap, they didn't recognize that those two weren't Eren and Historia.

After a short while Mikasa returned, " How is it going down there?" Levi asked once the black haired girl landed down, "We should hurry before they realize Armin isn't who he seems. I also feel bad for him." She answered him, looking away with blank expression.

"I see. These kidnappers are awfully green. Why would they send amateurs on a job like this?" Levi uttered calmly, standing up after that, "I think you both can handle the rest yourselves. I will rendezvous with Eren. Take the trash and then come meet up with me." He said and was about to leave, but he told Mikasa one last thing before officially taking off.

Nobara and Mikasa managed to sneak in and dealt with the guards inside. Both girls hid behind the boxs as a few men made their way in, "You're positive that it's Krista and Eren?" One of the men spoke up. "Yes, they match the descriptions we were given." Another man replied. Nobara frowned with disgusted expression on her face, she was now waiting for Mikasa's signal to attack as she had her squeaky hammer ready. Her eyes met Mikasa's and the black haired girl nodded as a signal to prepare herself.

Mikasa jumped and kicked one of the men with her knee then flipped another one to the ground. Nobara quickly ran out and hit a man with ginger hair with her hammer before he could use his gun on Mikasa then turn to the other man, giving a hit on his face. Nobara smirked, "That's easy." She said, throwing her hammer up and catching it. All of the men were now tied up and down on the ground. Mikasa looked up, "Connie! Are you sure it's just these four?" She asked as a boy appeared from a window in the ceiling, "Yeah, that's all of them! There's nobody else nearby!" He shouted back.

However, Nobara's eyes spotted a man aiming his gun at Mikasa, "Mikasa! Beside you!" She quickly ran toward Mikasa to cover her which made the said girl snap her head toward the brunette girl. She remembered Maki telling her how she caught Mai's bullet in the Exchange Event. Nobara now was in front of Mikasa, "Move Nobara!" Mikasa yelled as the man fired his bullet. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as everyone looked at the bullet making its way to Nobara; however, Nobara surprised them when she yelled in frustration, "You can't beat me!" She swang her hand and caught the bullet tightly, pain was written all over her face as she closed one eye.

Now here, Sasha appeared and sent an arrow to the man, not killing him thought. Just to knock off the gun from his hand. Armin quickly ran to Nobara who was wincing and hissing in pain, "Are you okay?" The blond boy asked while looking at her hand, noticing a burn mark in her palm, "It's not severe, I will be fine." Nobara said while shaking her hand a bit which made Armin nod and mutter a quiet apology. Mikasa made her way to the girl, "Thank you for saving me." She said, putting her hand on Nobara's shoulder. The girl nodded, "No problem, girls should help each other." She stated, giving a thumb up.

"Teach me how to do that." Mikasa asked with a small smile.

"Me too!" Sasha join with a big smile.

"I would like to learn this too, it would be useful." Jean added while scratching his head.

"It was cool! I want you to teach me too!" Connie who was still looking through the window yelled.

Nobara smiled and chuckled, "Sure thing, I will do."


Meanwhile with you and Yuji, you both watched as the carriage moved to carry Eren and Historia to safety from the rooftops of the houses. Yuji yawned loudly and stretched his arms, "That's boring sensei... I wonder how Kugisaki and Fushiguro holding themselves?" He wondered while looking up at the sky. You chuckled and shook your head, "Probably enjoying their time, not like us." You said which made Yuji huff. Just then, Megumi appeared with Nue, "Sensei, there's weird movements happening." He said and you noticed the panicked expression on his face.

𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 [ON HOLD UNTIL THE FINAL PART]Where stories live. Discover now