I'm Making A Vow!

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There were several obstacles along the way, but I managed to reach the reception hall before Mika used the Ultimate Magic. For some reason, the place is in chaos, but let's get up to the stage without worrying about that. "... Ya-hoo, Saki! You look fine!" "You look fine, the hell I'm not!" I cried. "I've heard all of the secret message!" "Ahahaha, it seems I got caught... can you pretend you didn't hear that?" Mika said, looking up at me. I'm sure she's giving me the puppy dog eyes. But that won't work now. "Don't say something so ridiculous!" I cried. "Mika, you should be..." "Hello, Little Kitten! So you've come to see me!" Suddenly, Diamond pushed his way in before me. Oh, give me a break. I was trying to talk about something important just now... "Fufufuh, so you couldn't wait for me to come to you? But I'm working on something right now, so wait a little bit longer..." "I'm sorry, you're annoying, so please go away for a while!" "Fubehro...?!" With a strangled scream, Diamond was blown off the stage. I was just shaking him off, but he was overreacting... well, I can't be bothered with that right now so let's ignore it. "Kya...!" Mika cried. "That was crazy, you've gotten stronger since the last time I saw you... wow, a-ma-zing!" "Don't tease me!" I yelled. "Why did you try to do something so unreasonable?" "... Because if I stayed with you, I'd destroy your dreams, Saki," Mika said. I heard that from the Secret Message. Nevertheless... "What the heck do you mean, destroy my dreams?!" I didn't join the Badminton Club because there were seniors who were way too good at it. The reason I drifted away from my friends other than Mika was that they were backstabbers. Besides, I wanted to go to the same high school as Mika, so I desperately studied subjects I wasn't good at and improved my grades. I'm not sure if Mika was crushing my dreams or making it possible for me to do more. So, why...? "Because... don't you want a child in the future, Saki?" Mika asked. "... What?" ... What are you talking about suddenly? "Back then, when we were interning during junior high school, you said you liked little kids..." Oh, that's what... did I do that? But, that's because... "Mika, I said I liked kids because they're fun to watch. All of a sudden, they'll come up with to me with a streamer and yell, 'I caught a Mexican Carp Streamer!" "But... you were so happy to hear me say, 'You're going to be a good mother in the future...'" Mika said. ... Did she remember that? Well, I do know I was grinning a little then... "... I'm sure you were imagining making a happy family with a loving husband you hadn't met yet, right?" Mika asked, putting her hands behind her back and making it like she was kicking a pebble. Yes, her easy-to-read gestures are cute, too... but now's not the time to escape reality... "I wasn't grinning because I imagined that," I said. "Then, what were you thinking of?!" Mika cried, angrily gripping her shoulders. The situation is delicate, I shouldn't beat around the bush here... "Ah, umm, that's because..." "That's because?" "Well... if something miraculous happened, I got married to you and had two children... I thought I'd be very happy..." Yes. It's a remark that says the lily flower garden is completely blooming! I'm sure that Mika would be disgusted– "I, I, I s-see..." –Is what I thought. Instead, she turned away awkwardly while blushing. What should I do? The embarrassment won't stop flowing. "A-Anyway!" I said. "I've always wanted to be with you, Mika!" "Th-That makes me very happy!" Mika said. "But it's still true that if you're with me, I'd crush so many possibilities for your future..." "You say that, but I might hamper your life, too..." "That's not true at all!" Mika said. "I want to be with you forever, Saki!" "Then, let's stop doing stupid things and go back to our original world together!" "But... that's..." Mika mumbles as she looks down. It seems that I haven't been able to get through to her yet. Then, as Mika did when she was Michaela– "Saki Hamura Vows To Be With Her Beloved Mika Forever, In Sickness And In Health, In Happiness And Sadness, For Richer Or Poorer! That's why we should both go home!" –I spoke my thoughts like the title of a web novel. "Geeze... you're so bold, Saki..." Mika said, her cheeks dying red as she looks away. I was a little embarrassed myself but there's no need to be ashamed... ... Hmm? ... Huh? Perhaps the previous line was more than the title of a web novel– "... Mika Nonoyama Swears To Stay With Her Beloved Saki, In Sickness And In Health, In Happiness And Sadness, For Richer Or Poorer!" –They were the words for a wedding vow. "Marshall! Congratulations!" "Marshall! Please find happiness!" "Marshall! Marshall! Marshall!" "Marshall! Marshall! Marshall!" "Marshall! Marshall! Marshall!" The Faction of Darkness boiled over with applause for us... "Ah, should we be happy about this?" "Hmm... well, our joining hands with the Dark Faction was, in a sense, a success, right?" "Congratulations, Saint of Light!" The Faction of Light is confused but is giving us some of their blessings... "My daughter, you've grown up so well... Papa will never stop loving you too... you two, be together in happiness, and... in sorrow, too!" ... Gibeon gave his blessing like I didn't know if he was crying or smiling. "Please, rest assured, Father-In-Law...!" Mika said. "We'll definitely build a happy family together!" "Gussu..." Gibeon sniffled. "I see, how trustworthy... uwaaaanh!" I take back what I said. No matter how you view it, he's crying. Well, even though the ceremony started out of the blue, I'm happy so many people are giving me their blessings— "That's enough!" –Though, the story couldn't end so neatly. After being knocked out of commission for so long, Diamond comes back up to the stage with his shoulders shaking in anger. I wish he'd fainted on the spot... "You've completely ignored me and only talked about yourselves... you villainous bitches!" "Yes, well, a villainess is a villainess," I said. "I'm dressed in men's clothes but I'm still, at heart, a villainess." "That's right," Mika said. "Also... nowadays, the saints are also villainess, so I'm also a villainess." "Don't talk about such ridiculous things! Honestly, the two of you have made such a fool of me..." Diamond hissed as he pulled out his sword, his face burned bright red. It was just a little teasing, only a little bit... no, it's a case where I'm confused about what to do. I didn't want to use waste and use too much mana, but if it's a matter of defense and countering a magical attack– "... Go and fall to hell!" "... Bastaaard!" Baki!! "Fugoh?!" –I didn't get to finish thinking about whether to use it. Diamond was once again blown away, defeated by the sudden appearance of Demon Sergeant Jade. "There is only hell for the bastard that dares get between Lillies!" Jade said with a proud expression. I'm really grateful for the help, but... you didn't kill him... right?

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