We're Going Home

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After hitting Diamond, Jade turned to me with a gleeful smile. "Marshall, Saint of Light, are you injured?" he asked. "No, we appreciate the help... thank you, Jade," I said. "I thank you for your kind words," Jade said, bowing with his left hand to his chest. It feels a little strange to see him behaving like a butler when he's in Demon Sergeant Style... "By the way, where have you been, Jade?" Mika said, tilting her head and looking stern. Jade raised his face and answered back with a smile and a laugh. "I've been here since the signing ceremony began." "Huh?!" Mika yelled. "Then, you could see all this the whole time?!" "Yes, that's right, Saint of Light," Jade said. "I watched with tears in my eyes as the Marshall mysteriously disappeared, she followed after you, fought for your mutual love, then you confessed your feelings to each other after overcoming your issues." ... Yes, I felt like someone was watching us from somewhere because that was Jade, huh? However, once again, it's embarrassing to have said all that while someone was watching... "Heh, you could use such amazing magic..." Jade said, looking impressed at Mika. Mika had a proud look herself. "Fufufu, infiltrating and investigating an organization, guarding His Highness or the Marshall, or to do any other work that involves some level of violence, requires you to completely conceal your abilities." ... Let's not touch too deeply on those jobs involving violence. I'm certain that an assassin's mindset will be needed... Even still, the atmosphere seems calm and settling down, I don't want any more trouble– "Now then, Marshall, Saint of Light, it's about time to..." "... Wait! Don't go off on your own little tangent!" –But it wasn't to be. Somehow, even with his otome game character nose and mouth ruined, he returned to the stage using his sword as a cane. Immediately, Mika raises her hands as her eyes shine menacingly. Ahh, geeze, I've got a bad feeling about what's going to happen... "Wow, incredible, Prince Diamond! You're persistent like that unhygienic pest we call the 'Black Diamond', aren't you?" "Mika... that's an incredibly awful thing to say..." I said. "That's right, Saint of Light," Jade said. "You shouldn't compare those pests to him." "Jade, don't use this as a chance to get a jab in..." I said. In response to the insults, Diamond stomped his foot. "This... everyone, you're all making me look like a fool..." ... I think it was a good life experience for him to experience failure for once. However, if we leave him like this, he'll definitely continue being a problem... ... That's it. In a time like this... While still on the stage, I shot a look at Gibeon, the one who seemed to have the most grounded her. Gibeon noticed my look and nodded with a bitter smile. He was an insightful father and extremely helpful... "... Pardon me, Prince Diamond?" Gibeon said. "Is it true you weren't planning to make peace with the Dark Faction?" "It's only natural!" Diamond said. "Who would join hands with filthy people like you?!" "Honestly..." Gibeon muttered, sighing in disappointment. "Though we're currently at odds, I'm an old friend of your father's. I've been holding a conversation with him about the signing ceremony of today's peace treaty." "... Huh?" Diamond asked. "A message... from my father?" he asks, tilting his head with a stern look. Were Gibeon and Diamond's father old friends? ... Even just before the moment of return, I keep learning surprising things. "Yes, it went, 'Ya-hoo, Gibby! It's time for the signing ceremony, but if my son does something stupid, you've got my permission to have him retrained! Ah, it should be better than nothing! Well then, I'll go talk to my soldiers, see ya!'" [INS: :INS] "No way... Father..." Diamond said before he collapsed to his knees. Immediately, Mika crossed her fingers as her eyes watered. "Prince Diamond, I'm so sorry for you! No matter how much power you have in the Light Faction, your father is brighter still!" "No, Mika, that was shocking, but I don't think that's what made him collapse..." I said. "It's as the Marshall says, Saint of Light," Jade said. "It's the shock of His Majesty, the shadowiest of the shadowy people, using such cheerful language, albeit through a message." "I don't think that's it either, Jade..." I said. "It was shocking, but I don't think it's a good idea to call His Majesty the shadowiest of the shadowy people..." I want this story to wrap up because I can't keep up the straight man act. I gazed at Gibeon, he nodded back with a bitter smile. It really was so helpful to have him around. When we return to the original world, I think I'll buy various pieces of his merchandise as a thank you. "Now then, Jade," Gibeon said. "I order you to find more information about this incident from Prince Diamond." "Sir! I'll get right on it, Your Majesty!" Jade said as he prepared to handcuff Diamond. "Father... I can't believe you've forsaken me..." Diamond muttered darkly. "Please rest assured, Prince Diamond!" Jade said. "If you do your best training with me, your father will immediately change his mind about you!" It's scary just imagining a full training regime with Jade. However, for those who have serious attitude problems in several respects, rough treatment may be necessary... "And now you, my Daughter," Gibeon said. "Fuai...?!" I yelled, caught completely off guard. "Were you always so close to the Saint of Light?" Gibeon asked, his eyes sharper than ever. I feel I need to straighten my posture a bit. "Yes, well, I was..." I said. "Yes!" Mika said. "As you saw earlier, it was requited love!" "Mika, I'm sorry," I said. "I'll confess that I'm in love with you, so please refrain from speaking for now." "Roger that! I'll be quiet if you say so, Saki," Mika said cheerfully before she straightened her posture. Still, Gibeon's gaze is sharp. "... Hmm, then I'll have to detain her and her in detail about these events." ... Yes, Mka was definitely involved in a plot to annihilate the Dark Faction, though she didn't intend for it to be successful. Besides, I didn't see the plan, either. I can't blame him for coming down hard on her... "... However, if you use the Ultimate Magic or something like that, Papa won't be able to do anything, so I'm in a bind..." Gibeon said. "... Huh?" I asked, he was speaking so flatly he was just reading a script... oh, right. "No, that's correct, Your Majesty. I also wanted to see more of these two spending time with each other, but we can't do anything if the Ultimate Magic was used," Jade said, following Gibeon's flat script reading. ... If they're already said it, let's play along. "... Thank you for all you've done for us," I said. "Thank you, Mr. Jade, Father-in-Law!" Mika said. "... Don't worry about it," Gibeon said. "The two of you, live well and happily even if you return to your other world." "Please be happy together, you two," Jade said. We bowed deeply towards them as they gave us soft smiles. It's a bit regrettable, but it's time. "... Well then, Mika, let's go home together," I said as I quickly grabbed her hand. Mika's eyes widened. But soon enough, with a huge smile, she held my hand back. "Yeah! Let's go home!" ... I think my grip is a little terrible, probably because of all my training so far, but I have to put up with it for now. "... The power of Darkness," I said. "... The power of Light," Mika said. Heat overflows from our clenched hands. "Gather here now." "Gather here now." The scene around us gradually becomes distorted. "I and Mika." "Saki and I." Our palms are burning hot. Still, I will never let go of this hand. Because– "Return us to the original world!" "Return us to the original world!" –Because we will definitely go home together.

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