idk yet...

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Brent and Lexi both meet outside of Brent's house

Lexi h: oh Brent where you heading?

Brent: just the coffee shop down the street

Lexi h: Stevens coffee?

Brent:yh that's the one how do you know

Lexi : that's where my friend works we are going out for her lunch break

Brent: oh should we go together?

Lexi: no I'm heading home after that

Brent: okay see you on Thursday ( he says as he enters his car)

They both drive off
Lexi gets to the coffee shop before Brent because Brent stopped at McDonald's to get lunch for Pierson

Lexi: Pierson (they hug)

Pierson: Lexi you're here!

Lexi: so where do you want to go

Pierson: umm maybe McDonald's?

Lexi: sure let's go

They are walking out when Pierson sites Brent from a distance

Pierson: Lexi look isn't that Brent what's he doing here

Lexi: yh it is Brent

Pierson: I hope you didn't say anything

Lexi: no! Why would you think that

Pierson: maybe because you literally have been telling..... Oh wait a minute is it Tuesday???

Lexi: yh why?

Pierson: Brent always comes to see me on Tuesdays I totally forgot

Lexi:looks like he brought you lunch too he's totally into you

Pierson: oh stop it let's go before he sees us

They both leave through the other door

Brent goes into the shop but doesn't see Pierson he then decides to give her a call

Lexi: I can't believe Brent came to give you lunch

Pierson: oh stop it (her phone rings)

Lexi: who is it ?

Pierson: it's Brent

Lexi: answer it answer it

Pierson:Lexi this maybe our last actual outing together this week I'm not going to spoil it because of some boy I'll call him later (she says as she cuts the call)

Lexi: awwn that's so sweet but promise me you'll call him though

Pierson: I promise

Lexi: oh and I told them about the meet up and they are down

Pierson: oh that's nice

They talk for some time and then Pierson goes back to work

Pierson is back from her 30 mins break and she sees Brent patiently waiting for her

Pierson: Brent what are you doing here

Brent: Pierson (he stands up) I didn't see you when I came so I thought I'd just wait

Pierson: yh I was out with my friend Lexi

Brent: wait Lexi Hensler

Pierson: yh we're roommates

Brent: wait are you the one we are meeting on Thursday at the park??

Pierson:yh I'm meeting some of Lexi's friends there are you one of them?(she knows he is one of them)

Brent: yh I am

Pierson: what a small world i guess I'll see you on Thursday day I better get going before my boss comes back

Brent: wait I got you McDonald's

Pierson: thank you so much she hugs him

Brent: no problem

Brent's POV
OMG Pierson just hugged me I feel butterflies in my stomach right now I really like her but I don't know if she feels the same way at least we are getting closer as friends

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